Each month GlobalGiving selects an innovative, high-impact project from our community to be the project of the month. All donations to this … read more
Feeding Pets of the Homeless believes in the healing power of companion pets and of the human/animal bond, which is very important in the li… read more
You can help move communities around the world forward. The most promising solutions to the world's most pressing problems lie within commun… read more
Can you imagine a world where every girl had the chance to create a future of her choosing? This fund supports highly effective GlobalGiving… read more
Now in its 26th year, Return to Freedom's American Wild Horse Sanctuary cares for about 450 wild horses and burros, using minimally intrusiv… read more
Sound Equine Options was founded in 2009 by Columbia Equine Hospital's veterinarian, Dr. Scott Hansen, and practice manager and veterinary t… read more
In October 2023, the US Department of Agriculture released a report that revealed that the number of people living in food insecure househol… read more
Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue, based in Northern California, helps birds commonly kept as indoor pets by rescuing, rehabilitating (physical… read more
CHAT provides affordable housing for people who are unhoused and the supportive services to enable residents to maintain long term housing s… read more
We will repopulate Hawaii with native & tropical fruit trees in order to save the environment, feed families & students, and spread the best… read more
Warrior Canine Connection (WCC) supports recovering combat Veterans and their families through the healing power of dogs. WCC enlists Servic… read more
Trees for Tribes supports Native American communities' efforts toward food sovereignty & food justice by planting fruit tree orchards that p… read more
National Wildlife Federation's Adopt-a-Wildlife-Acre program solves dangerous conflicts between wildlife and livestock across the western Un… read more
By equipping, and training elementary classroom teachers to lead hands-on music for learning, you can improve student literacy, math & socia… read more
Your donation funds supplies for educators to implement Career Girls Club. In this free, 20-week school-based club, girls develop a greater … read more
Keepers of the Wild is home to over 150 rescued wild and exotic animals, including lions, tigers, bears, leopards, cougars, bobcats, primate… read more
Fruit Tree 101 establishes thriving fruit tree orchards at schools and educational centers worldwide. These outdoor edible classrooms act as… read more
We work to help juveniles who've committed offenses re-connect with their families, schools and communities to form healthy relationships an… read more
Sadly, thousands of dogs live outside on chains, without adequate shelter from harsh weather. Some don't survive. Guardians builds fences an… read more
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) has worked as a nonpartisan policy institution since 1984 to provide science-based educa… read more
Conflict continues to escalate in Israel and Palestine, and thousands of innocent children and civilians have been killed, injured, or taken… read more
Green Map NYC published its first map highlighting climate change in 2006. Today, with climate urgency transforming our priorities, Green Ma… read more
You don't have to! Each month, GlobalGiving picks an exceptionally high-performing project as the project of the month, and they receive money from donors who belong to our Project of the Month Club.
Become a member today, and your donation will go to a different very deserving project each month.
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