Donate in Honor or Memory of Someone

You can make a tax-deductible donation to any project on GlobalGiving in honor or in memory of someone to show how much you care, while making the world a better place. Start by choosing a project the honoree would love. We'll ask you for honoree information and card personalization details before you check out.

Give a gift
Search a project that they'll love:
Need ideas? Check out our wildlife projects, food banks, or these top ranked projects!

Why give in honor?

Cause or Passion icon

Cause or Passion

Show interest in their interests. Donate to a project that works on causes the honoree cares about.

Region icon


Home is where the heart is. Give to a project in a region where the recipient grew up or lives. Or any place that is special to them.

Event or Holiday icon

Event or Holiday

Give a gift that keeps on giving. Whether it’s to celebrate a birthday, a wedding, or another special event.

In Memory icon

In Memory

Remember a loved one who passed. Make a gift to a project that would be meaningful to them.

Whatever the reason, we’ll help you find the perfect project for a donation in honor of your honoree.

Find a Project They'd Love Explore Planned Giving Options

Make It Special with a Card

You can send an eCard or print-at-home card if you’d like to tell the honoree about your generous gift in their honor. Personalize the card by choosing from nine different designs and writing a special message to the recipient.

Gift card preview image
Gift card preview image
Gift card preview image
Gift card preview image
Two women stand in front of a mural
Ready to give a gift that gives back?

Ready to give a gift that gives back?

Start by choosing a project the honoree would love. We'll ask you for honoree information and card personalization details before you check out.

GlobalGiving is a top-rated charity

Or Let Them Pick a Project

Not sure where to donate or want to leave it up to the gift recipient? GlobalGiving Gift Cards let you give the gift of giving - they choose the projects that they want to support and then see how their money has been put to work through regular updates from the field. You just pick out the gift card design, decide the dollar amount, and add a personal message and we’ll send it off to the recipient.

Give A Gift Card
gift card
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