By providing an international crisis email, we are able to serve victims of military family violence globally. Case managers and advocates provide safety planning, case management, danger to safety relocation, legal assistance, counseling, and assistance with basic needs. We provide a confidential, safe way for victims to communicate and to co-case manage with military advocates on the base overseas.
Approximately 48,000 military families experience domestic violence each year with at least 50 domestic violence related fatalities annually. Due to the fear of unrestricted reporting, many military members and spouses of military members overseas feel they have no one to turn to for confidential support.
Pathways To Safety International (trained on military protocol) provides confidential services to military families overseas. Services include safety planning, long term case management, danger to safety relocation, access to local domestic violence resources, legal assistance, counseling, and in-depth knowledge of military domestic violence protocols to assist a victim when/if she is ready to report to the military.
Victims of family violence within the military will begin to heal both physically and psychologically due to Pathway's holistic approach to safety planning and case management.
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