Open Data and Research

Details for collaborators and co-problem solvers

At GlobalGiving, we believe that good ideas can come from anyone, at any place, at any time, and that collaboration and iteration leads to the most effective learning. We love opportunities to work with external researchers or others interested in using our open data sources to build understanding about how best to transform aid and philanthropy. We have several open data resources available to support projects like this.

Please note that all use of GlobalGiving open data is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We do not share any personal data with anyone, except in the handful of specific situations outlined in our Privacy Policy. Additionally, use of our API is subject to our API Terms of Service.

What kind of data are you looking for?

Family Planning for Guatemalans Living in Poverty
Family Planning for Guatemalans Living in Poverty by WINGS


For those who want to start exploring quickly or easily combine data about GlobalGiving projects and organizations with other international aid datasets, we provide downloadable XML datasets of both activities and organizations that follow the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) standard.

Download IATI data
Support Sustainability for Nicaraguan Farmers
Support Sustainability for Nicaraguan Farmers by Agros International


Our REST API contains more than 30 different methods for querying detailed information about GlobalGiving projects and organizations. We recommend using this option to quickly build datasets tailored to your research based on our existing open data resources.

Explore our API
GlobalGiving's Ingrid Embree meeting with some of our corporate partners
GlobalGiving's Ingrid Embree meeting with some of our corporate partners corporate partners


Trying to answer a research question but can’t find the data you need in our other open data sources? Please let us know what you’re working on and what datasets you're interested in and we’ll be glad to discuss ways we might be able to support your research with a tailored solution.

Request a Dataset

Meet our research team

Nick Hamlin
Nick Hamlin
Director of Data Science and Analytics
Focus Areas:
Research partnerships, open data
Contact Nick
Alison Carlman
Alison Carlman
Senior Director, Evidence, Learning, and Innovation
Focus Areas:
Social Impact Evaluation
Contact Alison
Rachel Smith
Rachel Smith
VP, Global Community Programs & Partnerships
Focus Areas:
Evidence and Learning Lead
Contact Rachel
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