GlobalGiving's Fee = More Funding For Your Cause!

Many people stand at the bottom with speech bubbles. The title reads 'GlobalGiving is not just a platform. GlobalGiving is...' and the speech bubbles read 'a credible reference', 'our connection to hundreds of companies', 'an inspiring source of ideas', 'a nonprofit committed to our success', 'a powerful network', 'our donor management tool', 'a thriving community', 'a valuable coach', 'there for us if disaster strikes', 'part of our team', 'our connection to 500,000+ donors around the world', 'our secret to raising more online', 'helping us improve our programs', 'just a phone call away'

GlobalGiving is a one-of-a-kind nonprofit, and the way we pay our bills—and help other nonprofits thrive—reflects it.

There is no cost for nonprofits to join our community, and you can rest assured that donations made through GlobalGiving are efficiently delivered to their intended destination. That being said, in order for us to achieve our mission and provide the best tools, training, and support to our amazing partners, we do retain a small percentage of every donation.

We pass along the 3% processing fee that third parties charge us at no markup to our nonprofit partners. From there, we retain a 5-12% nonprofit support fee. You can learn more about how these fees are determined in the chart below.

GlobalGiving works hard to keep costs low. A minimum of 85¢ of every $1 donated goes directly to our nonprofit partners. More importantly, for every $1 that goes to fees, we’ll raise, on average, an additional $2 for a partner through our marketing efforts, fundraising campaigns, corporate partnerships, and gift cards.

Here’s how our fee structure works:

Nonprofit Support Fee

Type of donation
Nonprofit support fee
What the fee covers
Type of donation
Direct donations to projects run by US or UK registered organizations
Nonprofit support fee
What the fee covers
Type of donation
Direct donations to projects run by organizations registered in all other countries
Nonprofit support fee
What the fee covers
  • Tools, training and support to improve your fundraising
  • Additional costs of supporting and disbursing funds to organizations outside of the US or UK
Type of donation
Initial $5,000 raised per organization
Nonprofit support fee
What the fee covers
Type of donation
Donations managed by GlobalGiving (gift cards, corporate grants, GlobalGiving disaster funds)
Nonprofit support fee
What the fee covers
  • GlobalGiving marketing
  • Corporate relationship management
  • GlobalGiving Gift Card sales and processing
  • Additional support from GlobalGiving staff to manage grants and process donations
* All donations also include a 3% third party transaction fee
Fees are negotiable for larger commitments
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