Project Report
| Dec 19, 2019
Barn owl metacarpal fracture
By Ratiranjan Mahapatra | Program manager
![After treatment]()
After treatment
This Barn owl was rescued and brought to our hospital from Wildlife Care Centre, Ahmedabad. The owl was in such a sorry state for it had a metacarpal fracture with an open wound which leads to severe pain. The team of Jivdaya immediately treated the bird and properly fed it for its speedy recovery now the bird is under observation and recovery in the treatment room.
Regular care, timely feeding, regular dressing, antibiotics and pain killer helps the birds recovered well. Physiotherapy was regularly given to the wing manually. The bird is showing good sign of recovery
The beauty was kept in an aviary for flying practice after proper curatorial check up, the bird will released to the wild soon.
Thank you for your support and trust!
We request your strong association with our projects to continue the work of saving speechless and helpless animals!
Dec 2, 2019
By Ratiranjan Mahapatra | Program manager
![Birds in our facility]()
Birds in our facility
We received many birds in the month of October suffering from various injuries like- Head injuries, soft tissue injuries, wing and bone fractures and some cases are there which had to be hand raised. They require long term care and a lot of physiotherapy before they are fit for release. Our vets and curatorial team has worked very hard to getting these birds back in normal condition. After of proper husbandry, high protein diet and physiotherapy, now the health condition of these birds are increasing considerably and we are looking forward to releasing them soon. Below is the summary of birds treated in our hospital;
Rose ringed parakeets : 25
Alexandrian parakeets : 04
Black ibis : 10
Peafowl : 10
Asian koal : 07
Rock pigeon : 499
Black Indian kite : 19
Crow : 24
Common Myna : 11
Egret : 5
Dove : 13
Thank you for your support and trust!
We request your strong association with our projects to continue the work of saving speechless and helpless animals!
Nov 20, 2019
Peahen roosting with chicks
By Ratiranjan Mahapatra | Program manager
![Peahen roosting]()
Peahen roosting
A peahen was attacked by some stray dogs and lost one of her chicks in the fight. The bird was under shock and stress due to the incident. Our rescuer received a call for the distressed bird and immediately brought her into ‘Jivdaya ‘where the expert team started diagnosing her injuries. During the physical examination our vets found out that she did not have any major injuries however she was under shock. Co incidentally that very day we have also rescued 3 orphan peachicks and our curator decided to house them with the peahen in an adjacent cage and after observing them for few hours those peachicks were shifted to the cage with the mother peahen. For the next few days our team monitored their behavior closely and fortunately the mother peahen started accepting the orphan chicks as a part of her family. After a week of observation, the mummy peahen and her 6 babies (3 brooded and 3 adopted) have been released back to their natural habitat.
Thank you for your support and trust!
We request your strong association with our projects to continue the work of saving speechless and helpless animals.