Every year thousands of birds are injured, displaced, orphaned, and suffer illness due to anthropogenic threats. We rescue, treat, and rehabilitate birds of over 100 species including critically endangered vultures. - This project will help upgrade current rehabilitation facilities - We plan elaborate capacity building of our staff - We will train avian rehabilitators from various organizations across India - We will carry out comprehensive community awareness programs promoting coexistence
Over 5,000 birds of more than 100 species are annually injured during Uttarayan festival due to the sharp, glass powder coated 'manja' cutting their wings. Over 2,000 babies of water birds are displaced due to habitat degradation, and loss of nesting areas. Annual deaths of an average of 20 critically endangered white-rumped vultures are reported due to unnatural factors like 'manja' injuries, poisoning, etc. Rapid urbanization is causing habitat degradation and related issues.
We rehabilitate injured, ill, orphaned, and displaced birds using science based guidelines and protocols.
Conservation of endangered as well as common bird species of Ahmedabad through scientific rehabilitation, and public education.