Project Report
| Jan 8, 2020
Vidya Poshak Nurture Merit Program Highlights 2019
By Venky | Executive Director
Dear well wishers
Wishing you & your family a Happy New Year 2020.
During the calendar year 2019 we continued our mission of Empowering rural economically challenged youth by providing Support for their Higher Education and Skill development through our flagship Nurture Merit Program. We also had programs made for high school children. The initiative to Nurture the Non-academic talent in selected fields is gaining momentum.
Nurture Merit Program is a well-designed, structured and focused program to support bright students coming from economically challenged families to continue their post 10th education to enable them to be graduate and thus relating a meaningful employment or self-employment.
In 2019, a total amount of INR 91.5 lakhs was disbursed as financial assistance to 1295 students.
Statistical details
- 2400+ houses visited by volunteers across 58 talukas to identify deserving students
- 65% of the beneficiaries were girls
- 91% of students supported are from rural regions of 9 districts of Karnataka
- During the year more than 1100 students were trained through various skill training initiatives till December 2019.
- 5000 rural youths made use of the 5 Libraries/Knowledge resource centers located at Hubli, Bijapur, Belgaum, Sirsi & Davangere
- During this year 309 students will be completing their Graduation degree and will start their career.
- Overall in last 15 years more than 4600 students have completed their Graduation and out of which 3400+ students have been employed and started supporting their families.
Thank you for your kindness in recognizing that we have many students who needed assistance. Vidya Poshak team is grateful to all our donors, volunteers, community, the alumni and families that donated and supported the students.
Oct 12, 2019
Nurture Merit Program Qtr2 Highlights
By Venky | Executive Director
Nurture Merit Program - An initiative to support the underprivileged bright students to pursue higher levels of literacy leading to employment under Vidya Poshak’s Nurture Merit program.
Nurture Merit Program (Financial Assistance + Library services + Training)
Is a well-designed, structured and focused project to support bright students coming from economically challenged families. The support is extended to post 10th grade students to continue their college/higher education till completion of graduation leading to meaningful employment. The project has the following integrated services.
- Financial Assistance: This will cover college fees and exam fees. Along with this additional amount for coaching facilities is given for top performers. For some extreme need based cases (10%) additional amount is also given to cover room and boarding
- Books & Library Services: Academic Text books are lent to our student beneficiaries through libraries and book bank located in rural places. Student will get academic text books on their demand to read for 1-year and then the same books are put in circulation.
- Training through Residential BridgeCamps: Arranging various skill and need based training for our beneficiaries through residential bridge camps to enhance communication/life skills and employment opportunities. Along with this to ensure creating good, sensitive citizens for the society.
For the academic year 2019-20 we have overall 1400 students under our program. Out of which 400 students were inducted newly. 100 students were studying in various Engineering courses and 200 students were pursuing various semi professional courses.
During the months of August and September we have completed the financial support of 700 students with about INR 52.0 Lakhs.
During the month of October & Novermber the remaining 700 students will be provided the financial support. For this we would be needing another INR 55.0 Lakhs funds which we are already in process of raising the same from our donors.
Jul 15, 2019
Nurture Merit 1st Qtr Updates
By Venky | Executive Director
Nurture Merit Program Highlights 1st Qtr 2019-20
The application process for the new academic year 2019-20 started from 1st May 2019, till date we have received more than 3500 eligible applications from 10 districts of Karnataka. The students who have completed Class 10 in the current academic year and Class 12 are eligible to apply for the Nurture Merit Program.
Once the last date for application is over our volunteers will complete the poverty assessment through a physical house visit and meeting the students and parents. We are planning to induct 400 new students for the year 2019-20 along with supporting the existing 1200 students.
Class 11 & 12 result analysis
- 99.00% of the students were successful in the exam
- 31.00 % of the students scored 90% and above
- 65.55 % of the students scored 80% and above
- 45 students scored 100% in one or more subjects