![Students At Rimbi High]()
Students At Rimbi High
Thank you so much for all the support you have given to disadvantaged rural kids in Zimbabwe over the years. We are proud of what we have accomplished together so far to empower rural kids to reach their full potential. We have accomplished a lot along the way—thanks for all your help! Here are some highlights:
1. Education Program
Through your donations to this project you make it possible for the Tekeshe Foundation to provide school uniforms, school fees and school supplies to disadvantaged rural kids. Without access to education the majority of the kids in these rural areas would never rise out of poverty. I am pleased to announce that this year because of your support we are able to provide school fees to 20 primary school students and 11 high school students. The total amount is $2,100.00 for 3 terms. Here is what two of the students who are beneficiaries of this program had to say:
In His Own Words By Kozile
"I am a student at Rimbi High school and I am in form six. I come from a single parent home. Due to the harsh economic conditions prevailing in Zimbabwe my mother is not able to pay for my school fees. I am sponsored by the Tekeshe Foundation. I am currently taking pure mathematics, economics and business studies. I hope to pass with flying colors as I am very hard working. Once I complete my studies at Rimbi High I wish to proceed to the university level where I hope to obtain a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Banking and Finance. My wish once I have completed my education is to help underprivileged kids in these rural areas get an education. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for assisting me with schools fees. Without your help I wouldn’t be in school."
In Her Own Words By Betty
"Thank you very much for paying my school fess. I am a student at Rimbi High school. My parents are currently unemployed as a result they are not able to pay my school fees. Thank you very much for providing me the opportunity to continue with my studies. I will not disappoint you."
2. Youth Cares Program
The Youth Cares Program is an after-school program that focuses on empowering young people to grow up to be successful, well-balanced and self-sufficient citizens. Studies conducted on after-school programs have shown that after-school programs do much more than keep children occupied when they are not in school. Kids who participate in after-school programs perform much better academically than their peers and they exhibit notable improvements in work habits and behavior as well. One of the ways that after school activities can help the kids is by providing them opportunities to explore diverse interests. Through this program we afford kids the opportunity to discover what they are passionate about. To give you an example, we have kids in this program who aspire to be leaders. We provide these kids the funds to attend scout leaders' workshops. Here is what some of the kids who attended the workshops had to say:
In Her Own Words By Corletta
"I attended the Scout leaders' workshop held at Mutambara on March 15th. The weather was really bad as there was a cyclone. Despite the bad weather we still enjoyed the workshop. We were taught how to lead others. I enjoyed the workshop so much that I hope I will be able to attend the next one that will be held in Kariba. I want to thank the Tekeshe Foundation for sponsoring us and for providing us the scout uniforms."
In Her Own Words By Rosemary
"I really enjoyed the workshop help at Mutambara. This was my first time to attend a workshop. I met scouts from other villages. I learned a lot! We were taught how to be leaders and we were also taught how to tie knots. I thank the Tekeshe Foundation for sponsoring us to attend this workshop."
The Youth Cares program also focuses on providing opportunities for the youth to get involved in community service in the village. We are pleased to announce that in August the youth in our youth program delivered firewood at an elderly woman's house. As you can see in the pictures the elderly lady was really touched by the youths' kindness! This program is having a positive impact shaping the lives of the kids to care about the elderly.
3. Youth Empowerment Center Project Update
Through this project we aim to construct a building that will serve as a Training Centre where young people will receive computer, building, welding, sewing, knitting and baking training. One of the major challenges that face rural youth growing up in Chipinge is lack of skill training. After high school more than 75% of rural students are not able to pursue higher education due to poor grades or due to poverty and yet they are ill prepared to enter the workforce. Unlike their urban counterparts who receive skill training, such services are non-existent in the rural areas. Having a center where rural kids can receive vocational training would put them on a level playing field with their urban counterparts so that they will be in a better position to compete for jobs.
The building will also house our pre-school and our youth center. As I mentioned in a previous report, another challenge that face rural youth is lack of recreation centers where the youth can go to enjoy life in the rural areas. The rural youth spend their time wondering aimlessly in the townships congregating at the local bars so that they can watch television and listen to music. Having a Youth Center would provide them a safe haven.
To date we have acquired the land and as you can see from the attached picture the building plan is complete. Our team has received bids from several builders and they are in the final process of evaluating the bids. We are planning to start construction in mid-October.
May your hearts be filled with joy as you take a look at these pictures and see the major role you are playing in shaping the lives of these young people who are the leaders of tomorrow.
Best wishes,
![Scouts At A Leaders' Workshop]()
Scouts At A Leaders' Workshop
![Scouts Delivering Firewood]()
Scouts Delivering Firewood
![Some Of The Kids In Our Youth Program]()
Some Of The Kids In Our Youth Program
![Building Plan]()
Building Plan