Empower orphans and underpriviledged youth in the Chipinge district of Zimbabwe to reach their full potential through education, skill development, and leadership training.
Many youth, especially orphans, in the rural areas of Zimbabwe are dropping out of school due to poverty. This poverty is primarily the result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic which has ravaged the Sub-Sahara region claiming the lives of many adults. Children and the elderly have suffered most as a result of this pandemic. Grandparents and children have become heads of households which they can barely support. This problem has been exacerbated by the economic situation and prolonged droughts.
Provides orphans and underpriviledged youth with money for school uniforms, fees, and textbooks. Our caregivers provide them guidance and counseling . Through our Youth Cares program we provide them with opportunities for leadership and personal development
The breaking of the cycle of poverty and the reduction of HIV prevalence in this community by the development of well balanced citizens who have the leadership potential and skills to become self-sufficient and independent of outside help.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).
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