Help A Nurse Establish A Clinic in Rural Uganda Empower Rural Entrepreneurs in Uganda Empower Rural Entrepreneurs in Uganda Empower Rural Entrepreneurs in Uganda

Development Alert

Org #102915
Vetted since 2024 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
months fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


To provide a comprehensive and sustainable reprieve from poverty, biodiversity loss, misfortune, disability, destitution, and hopelessness experienced by individuals, communities, and the environment in partnership with organizations involved in the same.

Project Leaders
Zachery Onyango
Zachery Onyango
Michelle Joy
Michelle Joy
Zachery Onyango, Henry Okumu, Gerald Othieno, Nandobya Dianah, Joseph Jawanghe, Michelle Joy
Organization Information
Plot 1 Bili Lake, Mwenge-Paya
Tororo, Eastern 256
Organization Information
Plot 1 Bili Lake, Mwenge-Paya
Tororo, Eastern 256

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Increased Tree cover and Habitat Restoration

By Zachery Onyango | Founder and CEO

Over 80% of vital wetlands, swamps and natural forests in Uganda have been lost. The loss has had severe consequences like loss of biodiversity, human-wildlife conflict, land degradation, flooding,... Read the full report ›

Quality Education For Orphans and Vulnerable Children

By Zachery Onyango | Founder and CEO

The plight of Orphans and Vulnerable children in any community is always well expressed in terms of lack of clothing, fees, feeding, housing, medical access and education support. In Uganda, 1.7... Read the full report ›

Hope For Unbanked Rural Communities

By Zachery Onyango | Founder and CEO

Globally, 1.4 billion adults lack banking services, making them ineligible for conventional loans. Almost half of these people worldwide live in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Uganda, the National Labour... Read the full report ›
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