Project Report
| Dec 29, 2017
Providing food for children
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
Happy holidays
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous support to our project supporting small business for poor entrepreneurs. The project is indeed very effective in providing regular income for a lot of families here and by next year we intend to expand these to our other project area in Leyte where we successfully implemented water and sanitation initiatives during Typhoon Haiyan.
This holiday season we took a small break and instead of focusing on business development, we provided nutritious meals to children of our beneficiaries. We were able to feed 300 children in our project areas. By early next year we will resume our loaning and loan collection operation.
Again, thank you very much and Happy Holidays.
Very sincerely yours,
Oct 2, 2017
Supporting backyard mix garden enterprise
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
small mixed garden
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your kind support to our project providing loans to poor entrepreneurs. Utilizing open spaces in the homes and then training the beneficiaries to grow a variety of high-valued herbs and root crops is an addition to our menu of support in order to improve the enterprise of poor beneficiaries here. I realize that they already have plenty of available local resources such as soil, water, waste from the farm and kitchen as organic fertilizer and aided by the light of the sun this is a potent combination for a sustainable garden. In order to spread our resource, each of our target beneficiaries receive an average of pesos 2,000 (USD $40) payable in 90 days, which is the growing cycle of most vegetables. This reporting period we are able to disburse loan fund good for 150 beneficiaries. The repayments will be recycled as they come in.
Thank you very much for your generous support to this important initiative.
Very sincerely yours,
Jul 5, 2017
Work animals as the main business enterprise
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
Providing work animal
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous support to our initiative to provide livelihoods for poor entrepreneurs. This reporting period we continue to expand our work animal-based business enterprise for poor farming families. The work animals comprising water buffalo or cow is used for hire in the farms of other farmers earning income for the animal raiser/project partner. The partner pays the animal either in terms of offpspring if it is female or by monthly amortization if it is male. In this way the partner earns income aside from the fact that he got to use the animal in his farm and expand his own farm activity.
This reporting period, we are able to provide 5 families with one water buffalo each.
Hoping for your continuing support to this project.
Very sincerely yours,