Project Report
| Mar 1, 2021
Providing farm-based livelihoods
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
Provision of farming inputs
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous donation to our project supporting small business for poor entrepreneurs. This reporting period we focus our support to small-scale farming families or those who have less than a hectare of land to farm because they are the most economically poor. The Coronavirus pandemic has also severely affected them with the disruption of markets and the food supply chain. This reporting period we were able to provide them with farming inputs in order to pump prime their livelihoods. These inputs comprise vegetable seeds, organic fertilizer, small animals like ducks and chickens and small capital to purchase farm equipment. We are able to support a total of 175 farmers in this manner. We will continue to support them in the coming months and hoping that the Coronavirus pandemic will have a permanent solution since this added to the suffering of the local farmers.
Very sincerely yours,
Cora Sayre
Nov 2, 2020
Continue promoting high value crops
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
Processing of dragon fruit into wine and vinegar
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your generous support to our initiative supporting small business for poor entrepreneurs. This time with the Coronavirus pandemic still ravaging the villages with no solution in sight, businesses have been affected badly and the most problematic are those with little capital and unable to fend for the downturn in the economy and the purchasing power of the local population. Even with this we focused our attention to providing value added to local products with high potential for the local market by engaging in product processing and then enlisting local resellers of the products. We are starting with the processing of dragon fruits into vinegar and wine with the knowledge that this has the potential for increasing the income of small scale growers and processors.
Hoping for your continuing support to this initiative.
Very sincerely yours,
Cora Sayre
Jul 4, 2020
Promoting nutritious crops
By Cora Sayre | Project Leader
High-valued crop for processing
Dear Friend,
Warm greetings and thank you very much for your kindness and generosity in supporting our initiative for small business and poor entrepreneurs. We are happy to report that our project is doing well with local supporters also chipping-in especially during this time with the Coronavirus pandemic when assistance to entrepreneurs is very much needed. During this time we focused our effort to the promotion of delectable, highly-nutritious crops such as dragon fruits which has the potential for value adding via processing. We aim to expand this project and organize a small cooperative where farmers will be able to process their raw crops. Aside from dragon fruits which we intend to process into wine and candies, we also aim to produce tea from ginger and turmeric. Hoping for your continuing support and assistance to this endeavour. This reporting period we are able to assist 120 small farmers and entrepreneurs expand their farm production with the aim of processing their products in about 2-3 months time.
Very sincerely yours,
Cora Sayre