Transport a health worker to a school to create awareness about the importance of Every Hour Matters Campaign
Buys Postinor Emergency Pills for a defiled or raped woman and facilitates her transport from home to the health facility and back home
Facilitates a staff and a Clinical Officer to a semi rural school to educate the children about the accessibility of the PEP and Emergency Pills incase defilement and rape occurs to them
Facilitates training of senior women and male teachers in schools about the critical importance of Every Hour Matters and their interventions
Facilitates the training of students leaders about the campaign in one school
Facilitates the community dialogue for women to discuss about the unwanted pregnancies andteenage pregancies ,how they affect their lives and what should be done to prevent them
will facilitate a training of 10 school head teachers to advaocate for integration of sexual reproductive health in their school programs
facilitates training of 70 influential leaders, religous leaders , youth leaders and cultural leaders about the importance of Every Hour Matters Campaign and how it will save our girls and women