This project focuses on girls' education in Sierra Leone, which is essential for building a more equitable and prosperous society. Providing… read more
This campaign aims at securing the funds to purchase a number of modern ICU devices for Al-Ikhaa Specialized Hospital in north of Syria, to … read more
Children orphanage aim to provide care & support to 75 orphans, street children, education, health, shelter. Orphanage has 6 Care Takers, Te… read more
Mothers and babies die unnecessarily during childbirth in the Philippines because often families don't have money to pay a skilled birth att… read more
WISER works with girls to transcend poverty, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence. We do this by creating environments that produce exception… read more
This program with FGM survivor and activist Rhobi Samwelly protects and empowers girls at risk of gender-based violence, including child mar… read more
One of five people in the world survive on less than $2.00 a day with no access to healthcare. This is more pronounced in 3rd world countrie… read more
Our HIV-positive Women's Networks provide essential care. Many children & adolescents are traumatised by loss of at least one parent to HIV/… read more
Our project aims to make a meaningful impact on the lives of underserved communities by providing essential healthcare services through mobi… read more
The Ntaseka Clinic in Kamenge slum of Bujumbura provides health care for survivors of rape and gender based violence, support for 330 HIV+ i… read more
HFAW will work with the 30 new graduates in health and human rights to train 120 new promoters in 4 locations, in Nyamira. The new tots will… read more
This project will pay for specially trained home visitors to follow up on all the babies born at Mercy In Action birth centers in the Philip… read more
This project is a new hope to expand education and create new opportunities for the community. Our hopes for the new centre include:increase… read more
Globally, Muslim women have lacked educational opportunities to benefit their communities even though nurses are the framework of public hea… read more
There is no healthcare in the rural villages of Darfur, Sudan. Mothers give birth with help only from the Traditional Birth Attenders who ar… read more
. This project will upgrade the existing health care and educational systems for women and girls in 28 rural villages in NW Cameroon, throug… read more
Girls in rural Ghana want to earn an education but struggle to stay in school once they hit puberty. Predatory men offer girls paltry sums o… read more
In the remote village of Rajabas, a young Nepali doctor, assisted by a staff of six and foreign volunteer medical personnel, is providing cr… read more
We are a hospital that serves everyone, providing high-complexity medical services, and we have over 75 medical specialties.We are committed… read more
The capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. More than 374,000 poor children attend governm… read more
OneMama has developed a unique model for service whose beneficiaries receive 100% of proceeds. We blend indigenous treatment with modern med… read more
Over the past 14 years, a health partnership has developed between Mayo University Hospital in Ireland and Londiani Sub-county Hospital in K… read more
In the U.S. and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. In line with … read more
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the poverty level of many Ugandans including our clients and negatively affected HIV/AIDS and Sexual Rep… read more
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