Project Report
| Nov 14, 2019
Juhudi children in the community
By LUCAS FWAMBA | Project Manager
![Juhudi office]()
Juhudi office
Juhudi Children in Crisis a local community organization that help teenage mothers and rescue them from early marriages. JCIC is on mission to improve lives of children around North Rift Kenya affected by early marriages, child labour, school dropouts, malnutrition and other crisis by working with local communities and other agencies in providing education, healthcare, protection and psycho-social support. We also depend on the donors and well wishers within Kenya and outside. I want appreciate the partnership with Global giving for assisting us to do online fundraising to their platform of which it has been of great impact to our projects. It has enabled us to reach the donors and also participate in online fundraising campaigns. We have supported many girls and children to enable them pursue their dreams. I want to thank our able donors their generous giving throughout the period we start the project
Sep 13, 2019
Lydia and Ummy joins college
By LUCAS FWAMBA | Project Manager
![Ummy while in high school]()
Ummy while in high school
Lydia and Ummy joins College It is with great joy to share with donors this good news of our beneficiaries who have joined college after supporting them to complete secondary education. Lydia has join Kitale national Polytechnic to pursue a diploma in Hotel and catering which was a dream course. On the other hand, Ummy will be pursuing diploma in Mass communication. As organization we are proud of these two girls for showing the potential in them. As an organization we will be hand in hand by ensuring that they pursue their education and get job. We therefore urge our able donors and well wishers to continue supporting us so that we reach more girls who are bright but they lack of school fees. They are at risks of dropping out of school and later become teenage mothers. Education is the only thing that will change their lives and become the change makers of the community.
Jun 17, 2019
By LUCAS FWAMBA | Project Manager
She is a form one student in one of the local secondary school. She leaves with her old grandmother in a small house since her childhood. Her parents abandoned her after birth. She has been raised by her grandmother until now. Her grandmother works in people’s homes doing cleanliness and other home chores so that she can get money for food and her grandchild school fees. She has only managed to pay part of her school fees being left with huge balance.The girl was sent away home to bring fees but she never came back to school until we came to her rescue of bringing her her back. She was almost dropping out of school.
As Juhudi children we felt so touched with her story and we promised her that we will support her by paying her school fees. We also talk to the head teacher of the school and agreed on the mode of payment of the fees. We believe that the girl will be able to study without any difficulties on matters of fees and other personal effects. We always believe that education is the only key to conquer poverty. Investing in education in the only way of uplifting the community. I want to thank our donors for supporting us all through this initiative. May God bless you abundantly.