Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women

by Maitri India
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Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women
Old age home for 300 abandoned elderly women

Project Report | Jun 8, 2020
Keeping Elderly Widow Mothers safe during the Pandemic

By Manisha D | Communication & Fundraising Officer

Widow Mothers Prepare to face the pandemic
Widow Mothers Prepare to face the pandemic

Dear Maitri Friend,

With Coronavirus being our major concern presently, we have set out to ensure that the elderly mothers don’t remain on the sidelines, but are looked after like they deserve. The pandemic has disrupted lives and is challenging the survival and well-being of human beings, especially of the vulnerable.

MaitriGhar while ensuring care and warmth for our widow mothers has ensured good healthy nutrition on a daily basis with seasonal fruits, milk and supplements as required. We have restricted the entry of all external visitors & outsiders, with the Widow Mothers (Mayiyas) and staff in self quarantine since mid of March . As elderly, chronic patients, poor and other vulnerable population are more prone to this disease, Maitri has set out to ensure that all necessary precautions & safety measures are at place.

Abandoned by their families, most of these mothers have come to Vrindavan in the solace of Lord krishna where they spend most of the time doing kirtan and singing in Bhajjan Ashrams. Staying indoors and restricted movement is a big shift in their daily routine. Despite the reluctance, they followed everything that is advocated, from washing their hands properly with soap as many times as possible to cleaning homes. They cover their mouths, gargle and stay calm and participate in staying safe and keep others safe.

Across the globe, as public health experts have suggested that practicing social distancing and limiting human contact could control the disease, Mothers attempt to practice social distancing despite the difficulties in a space crunched accommodation. Heading to information on news and discussions with staff members, Mothers with diabetes and high blood pressure have become more conscious of their health.

Life during Covid Times can be challenging for anyone in an institutional setting . Maitri provides nutritious meals with fruit and milk. Maitri has ensured sufficient stocks of food and cooking supplies. Being vulnerable to loneliness, Maitri has also ensured that their emotional and psychological needs are taken care of. The outbreak of a disease, lack of meaningful activity engagement, restrictions in mobility could result in isolation, mass anxiety or even a mental health crisis. While the staff made certain there is no panic or anxiety, the mothers engaged themselves with different activities to keep themselves busy..Their mental and physical health is being ensured with engaging them in activities like yoga , meditation , kirtan and self reiki; They also engage in story telling, board games, carrom, etc

Mothers at MaitriGhar join in with the nation's efforts, through prayers, lighting diyas and showing their gratitude for  the services of our doctors, nurses and police personnel and armed forces who are engaged at the front lines in saving the lives of our countrymen. While fear and frustration grips over worldwide, gratitude acts as a solidifying agent in socially-isolated times. It has a powerful effect in safeguarding mental health, motivating the spirit of frontline warriors and reducing fear and stress.  

In this stressful time, when the only way to fight this pandemic is to minimize the very thing that is essential to being human: social connectivity; Solidarity, support & safety becomes the guiding mantra.  Let's ensure this distancing brings us closer together and we get pass these difficult times.

Your support during this time of crisis, forms the backbone of our elderly care programme. Never before has it been so important to know that we are all in this together. We sincerely hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. We want to assure you that despite all challenges, all activities will continue to keep the mothers safe and healthy.

Thank you.


Health Check ups
Health Check ups
Mothers take all safety measures
Mothers take all safety measures
Milk Distribution
Milk Distribution
Mothers practice physical distancing
Mothers practice physical distancing
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Jan 29, 2020
Widow Mothers explore Varanasi

By Manisha | Communication & Fudraising Officer

Oct 31, 2019
Within you is the light of a thousand suns

By Manisha | Communication Officer

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Organization Information

Maitri India

Location: New Delhi, Delhi - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Maitri NGO
Project Leader:
Maitri India
New Delhi , Delhi India
$545,831 raised of $750,000 goal
5,700 donations
$204,169 to go
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