Project Report
| May 10, 2018
Support for more than 120 children in Venezuela
By Francisco Segnini | Director
As the Venezuelan crisis increases, so do the challenges Hogar Bambi faces every day. Today we are supporting 120 children in our 4 houses, and we are expanding to attend more children every day.
The strong socio-economic problems in our country make it difficult to obtain food, medicines and the basics supplies needed to keep a child healthy so that there are many cases of child abandonment. Bambi faces these challenges with courage and a lot of dedication and thanks to the contributions we receive, we can provide shelter and comprehensive care to those children that need it the most.
This year the possibility to obtain contribution from national companies or individual has been very difficult, so we are increasingly counting on the support we can obtain from platforms like GlobalGiving that allow us to get closer to people with a deep sense of responsibility and altruism that feel pleasure helping Bambi to achieve its mission. Day by day, it is more important and essential for us each aid received from abroad, so we deeply and sincerely thank everyone that contributes to our cause.
Feb 9, 2018
Integral care for 120 children and youth
By Francisco Segnini | Project Leader
In the harsh reality of the country in which we live today, we have seen and felt the violation of the fundamental rights of children, the great absence of food, medicines, a deterioration in the quality of life that is increasing, indicators of malnutrition in general that are worrying. The socioeconomic situation in our country is really disastrous.
In Hogar Bambi Venezuela, we continue making a great effort to guarantee and restore the fundamental rights of 120 children and adolescents. Thanks to the contributions we receive, we can invest in their diet, health, education, and with this work, offer them a better quality of life. Unfortunately, with a galloping inflation like the current one, resources are exhausted soon; this leads us to the constant search for favorable alliances for our programs.
We hope to continue counting on your support and making the lives of children and adolescents belonging to our institution less difficult.
Nov 16, 2017
Integral Care for 120 Children and Youth, Caracas
By Francisco Segnini | Project Leader
Hogar Bambi Venezuela continues to be at the forefront of the protection and comprehensive care of children at risk. Thanks to the kindness of various contributions, we were able to expand our enrollment to 120 children and adolescents (NNA). This broadens our commitments in the search for resources to maintain the care programs that our children deserve, with a rising inflation rate, the absence or difficult access to basic services (food, health, medicines, education), a political situation extremely complex and a human reality deprived that diminishes the quality of life of any citizen, increasing the precariousness in the most vulnerable homes and with it the increase of abandonment. Unfortunately, the amount of companies and people that contribute to the development of our programs have decreased considerably. Each and every one of the difficult situations that the country is going through, initiates new organizational challenges in order to continue making great efforts to achieve the necessary resources.
This year we have an enrollment in formal education of seventy children and the rest of children over two years, receive a pedagogical initiation according to their age. Also thanks to the educational strengthening programs, all of our children and adolescents are served by education professionals, providing accompaniment and reinforcement in the areas where they most require it.