Project Report
| Feb 16, 2021
Children are now back in school
By LUCAS FWAMBA | Project Manager
Since the corona virus pandemic outbreak in the world everything remained stand still. Our children remained at home, no school from March 2020 to December 2020. We resumed back to school in January 2021. The feeding program and education is now ongoing as usual. The children are now happy in school. Staying with this children at home was not a easy work.
As Juhudi we have tried our best to accomodate them and ensure that they are safe,healthy and learning. We provide them with face masks and other neccesities needed in the school for their safety from the pandemic. It has become easy for us to monitor and support them while they are in school.
We would like to thank you donors for the outstanding job you are doing to support this children by making sure they have food,education and shelter always. Thank you so much your continued support.
Oct 19, 2020
Feeding programme inspires community
By LUCAS FWAMBA | Project Manager
Dear Donors,
I take this opportunity on behalf of Juhudi Children In Crisis to thank you for your kind support towards our project. The project has transformed many lifes of children especially during this time of corona virus.The food shortage has been a challenge to many families. This is where as organisation through your support came in to provide food for them and other personal effects. Apart from that we have engaged them in community based learning that will keep busy since the schools has not resumed back. We hope that the government will open schools soon so that this children can return to school immediately. As organisation we get hard time working with them in the community than in school.
This year we havent planned any major activity with them due to government restriction but we will continue with community visits as we wait for resumption. I therefore pray that corona will end soon and we will work smart as usual.Thank you so much for continued support.
Jun 18, 2020
How feeding program has impacted children's life
By LUCAS FWAMBA | Project Manager
Covid-19 response
Since the outbreak of corona virus in Kenya. As organisation we have faced alot of challenges especially in running of our programs. The need is so high especially for children we support. The number has increased. Since the schools are closed and learning has resumed back,all the children are locked in their homes. This has given us the mandate to accomodate them in our project by supporting with basic needs like food and protective gears.
As organisation i want to appreciate our donors through globalgiving for their financial support especially during this time of covid-19 pandemic. Although the funds is not enough to reach more children affected by the virus but we are trying to ask for aid from other agencies to support our project.We expect the government to do something on supporting the children. As Juhudi we are trying our best to make sure the children are safe and healthy.