Project Report
| Feb 12, 2025
Procuring items for things for the projects
By George Obua | Project Leader
![the assorted things are being processed to procure]()
the assorted things are being processed to procure
As time to for the reporting of students to the Institute of Home Economics and also openning their new project of Kole Intellectual Forum draws nearer to its expected date of 24/02/2025; the promoters of projects are moving around to see that all those are require to run the Institute are all put in place.
On the background are samples of school uniforms and others things those are being processed to make it ready by the assumed date; including others that may not been seen within this report.
The promoters of Kole Intellectual Forum are therefore, as usual very thankful to GlobalGiving and donors who are standing up with them to support them to fulfill their mission.
Feb 11, 2025
Music, Dance and Drama: one way of communication
By George Obua | Project Leader
![Students engaging into Music, Dance and Drama]()
Students engaging into Music, Dance and Drama
Music, Dance and Drama: one way of communication
Kole Intellectual Forum is engaging their students to these activities (Music, Dance and Drama) as those that can help them to provide a sense of accomplishment to their students, boost their self-esteem and also build their confident, and provide a healthy outlet to them during their study time; as well as helping them to communicate to others and build a stronger community relationship with them. At the same time, they also treat it as a source of enjoyment and relaxation at heir Institute of Home Economics,
According to themm, Kole Intellectual Forum, they consider that: In every society or a group that human being leave at, there is need for social activities that can help members to feel that they are part of such a group; at Kole Intellectual Forum, these three activities are playing a key role in building up a strong social activities among the members and also provide to them with a gift that brings up great pleasure and to all those might have a chance to attend to such activities.
Feb 7, 2025
Advocating for an official language: Uganda
By George Obua | Project Leader
![Teaching English for official communication]()
Teaching English for official communication
Advocating for an official language: Uganda
Kole Intellectual Forum, being an organization that is legally registered with Kole District Local Government of Uganda and at the same time is that organization that abide by the law of Uganda; at its Institute of Home Economics, the organization is advocating for the country’s sole official language which is English. As it has been declared by the constitution of Uganda, that: English in Uganda is the sole official language of parliamentary debates, procedure, and government transactions. It is also the medium of instruction at all levels of education, except for the first four years of primary education in rural areas, where is it taught as a subject.
In Uganda, English is the language use to direct science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism at also at the Institute of Home Economics - Kole Intellectaul Forum. Knowing English will increase the chances of getting better opportunities.