Project Report
| Feb 22, 2013
Boys and Girls Club of St. Charles Co. (New Club)
By Jeanette Koechner | resource Development Director
The Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Charles County continues with building plans and the actual construction of their new facility. The need for the new Club has not diminished by any means. If anything, there is a continued increase in the need for programs that will encourage our young children to realize the importance of education and staying in school. It is unfortunate that at a young age, many children are already thinking "I don't want to be in school any longer, I can get a job and support myself". In today's world, education of our children is one of the most important aspect of their life in which we can be involved. We must encourage and help our boys and girls keep pace within or above their grade level. Proficient reading and comprehension of what is read is vital. That is why the Reading Success program offered at the Boys and Girls Clubs is important to our children.
A new facility will allow the Boys and Girls Club of St. Charles County expand the important programs that currently are being provided and it will also allow for space to offer new programs that are vital in helping our children become our future leaders. The Capital Campaign remains in place and will allow for construction to continue and realize the completion of the interior of the new facility.
The current Club continues to deteriorate and the need to relocate to a new facility that does not have a leaking roof, provides more space and is without major maintenance issues is paramount.
The services and programs offered at the Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Charles County continues to be an essential part in the lives of the children we serve, the community in which we live and the families of these children.
Your support and donations are still needed and without a doubt, greatly appreciated.
Nov 14, 2012
Boys and Girls Club of St. Charles Co. (New Club)
By Jeanette Koechner | Resource Development Director
![Progress on the Boys and Girls Club of St. Charles]()
Progress on the Boys and Girls Club of St. Charles
The new facility for the Boys and Girls Club of St. Charles County is under construction. You can see daily progress. The most recent addition is the stone being affixed to the back side of the building as seen in the attached picture. This is an exciting time for the organization. BUT we are not there yet! We have not reached our goal to complete this project and you help would be greatly appreciated. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO MAKE THIS DREAM BECOME A REALITY!
The new 28,000 square foot facility will replace our old and worn out current facility. The current Club operates out of a 55 year old building that has a leaking roof in many places. In some cases it is necessary to move the programs to a different area in the building that might be available and dry. The new Boys and Girls Club will allow for more programs to be offered and more importantly, be able to serve more children. Currently the space is so very limited and it is nearly impossible to add additional programs that are being introduced to us daily by the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. In many cases, the programs we offer our members are not a luxury but a necessity.
The Boys and Girls Clubs of St. Charles County have found it necessary to step up the educational programs offered to its members and help the children keep pace in school and instill the desire to remain in school. During the school year a meal program is offered. Many children come home from school to an empty house and an empty refrigerator. Children are not able to concentrate in school and complete their homework when they are hungry. Our program offers a hot, nutritious meal each evening after homework is completed to those in attendance in the Club. We are a place where great futures begin and we want to help those who need us the most. We can do that with your support and generosity! PLEASE HELP US HELP THEM.
Jun 11, 2012
Boys and Girls Club of St. Charles Co. (New Club)
By Jeanette Koechner | Resource Development Director
We are moving forward............It goes without saying that we are ready and anxious to be in our new Club. The permits for construction are being secured as well as insurance to cover the construction project. There have been many obstacles on this project but with the diligence of our Board of Directors and all those involved these adverse issues have been solved and we are moving forward with the plans for the new facility. Obtaining the final construction plans has not been easy, there has been site delays as well as building design changes. But we are past all of that.
The Boys and Girls continue to be excited and anxious for the new facility as we all are. We will be able to serve more children and offer more programs. In today's economy, we find that our services are more demand now than ever before. We are providing meals on a daily basis to our members as well as implementing new programs. During Summer Camp, we serve over 250 children on a daily basis. Our services are needed in the community.