Project Report
| May 26, 2015
Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles Co. Food Program
By Jeanette A. Koechner | Resource Development Director
The Food Program at the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles County continues to be extremely important. As the school year is coming to a close we all know that hunger DOES NOT TAKE A HOLIDAY. During the summer all those who come to the Club will be served a nutritious meal free of charge. Each day a child up to the age of 18 may receive breakfast, lunch and a snack. Some may think that during the summer months children find their meals in their home. That is not always the case. Many children have less food to eat during the summer because they do not have available the free lunch program in their schools. It is important that this program continue year around.
Childhood hunger statistics are alarming.....
- Improper childhood nourishment may lead to adult illnesses.
- They are less likely to remain in school and complete their education.
- One in five children go to bed hungry.
- Obesity is fueled by improper nourishment.
- Behavioral and emotional issues are sometimes caused by lack of food.
- A hungry child does not imagine a better future.
- 22% of children in the US under the age of 18 live in poverty and definitely lack nourishing food.
- An under nourished child is more likely to become ill.
- A child growing up in hunger is less likely to suceed in life.
- Parents become emotionally distraught because they cannot provide.
Hunger cannot be eradicated by one person. It takes a nation to help provide for those who cannot provide for themselves. I know of no one who choses to go hungry. There are many circumstances that can cause hunger in a home. Sixteen million kids in the United States live in households that struggle to put food on the table. The Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles County is striving to make hunger nonexistant in the children served by the Club and living in the Community.
Feb 18, 2015
Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles Co. Food Program
By Jeanette A. Koechner | Resource Development Director
The food program obtainable at the Boys & Girls Club remains to be a much needed service. We have seen an increase in the number of children participating in daily meals. The meals and snacks are provided free of charge to any child in the Club during the serving time. The meals served are prepared from foods obtained from local grocery outlets and produce stands when in season. All meals served provide the nutritional value required and established by the Federal Guidelines.
The Food Program at the Boys & Girls Club operates year around. Every day we are open, a free hot nutritious meal is served. During the past 12 months, the Boys & Girls Club has provided over 24,000 meals and snacks to our members.
Some very upsetting statistics regarding childhood hunger are:
• 1 in every 5 children goes to bed hungry
• 16 million kids in the United States live in households that struggle to put food on the table
• 22% of kids in the United States under the age of 18 live in poverty
• A hungry child does not do well in school
• A child without proper nourishment is more likely to get sick
• They are less likely to graduate from high school and won’t even consider college
• The future shows them less likely to earn enough to feed their own family
• Improper food consumption can create obesity
• Lack of food can create emotional and behavioral issues
• They experience the lack energy to exercise
The Food Program at the Boys & Girls Club continues to be one of the most important programs offered. We feel sure that many of our boys and girls would go home to no food in the house and no means of getting any. Many of our members come to the Club from school and remain on the premises until we close at 8 pm. During their time at the Club, they are not only fed but they are required to participate in Power Hour, which is time spent preparing their homework for the next day.
It is unsettling that over 65% of our members are considered to be “at risk”, meaning that according to the federal guidelines, they are living in the poverty level. Many of our children come from a single parent household with a single wage earner and a couple of generations under the same roof.
We know, this program is by no means a luxury, but a necessity for many, especially those that need us the most.
Nov 18, 2014
Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles Co New Facility
By Jeanette A. Koechner | Resource Development Director
The Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles County continues to serve many children in the Community as we follow the Club Mission of helping all children, especially those less fortunate. Being in the new Club, has allowed the Organization the opportunity to expand the services provided to its members. Since school began in mid-August, the Club has served nearly 5000 meals and snacks to the children after school. Many of the children we serve are living in or below the poverty level as established by the Federal Goverment. It is unfortunate that many children go home from school knowing that there will be no food in the home and their next meal will be provided by their school or the Boys & Girls Club of St. Charles County.
It remains paramont that we retire the debt owed on the new Club. Removing the debt payments from the budget would allow the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles County to expand the valuable programs that are by no means a luxury but a necessity to the children we serve.
Your support to the Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Charles County touches many children as we prepare them for a promising future.