Join the fight against poverty in Togo! This Action10 initiative supports women entrepreneurs in rural Togo's Maritime Region by providing s… read more
A school for hearing impaired children was established in 2006 with funding from an NGO. Due to lack of funding, this school was closed duri… read more
The project will help to reduce the number of preventable deaths in pregnant women and children under five in northern Togo by enabling acce… read more
At the request of its intervention communities, the NGO CAV proposes to implement a support program for access to improved water sources. Th… read more
Pay rural communities in Togo to plant 50,000 trees (15 species) in schools to restore ecosystems, fight hunger, and enhance child education… read more
Support 1,000 kids aged 4-10 in rural Togo and the US with soccer equipment and training, promoting equal access regardless of background. S… read more
raised of $500,000 goal
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