Creating a DMZ Forest of Peace in Korean Peninsula Municipality of Chisinau, Moldova Peacewinds Korea emergency aid team,Moldova NCUM center refugees waiting for a bus to Germany

Peace Winds Korea

Org #91240
Vetted since 2021 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Our mission is to realize peace in East Asia, including the Korean Peninsula, and sustainable life for young people. 1. Beyond the conflicts and antagonisms of East Asian countries, we want to create a symbiotic community centered on 'peace' and 'prosperity'. For this, PWK will become an East Asian platform that manages the absolute crisis facing mankind and achieves the UN sustainable development goals(UN SDGs). We are going to take a new path that will serve as the cornerstone of peace on the Korean Peninsula and peace community in East Asia. 2. PWK will send young Koreans to international cooperation sites and train them. Foreign NGOs who have entered Korea tend to stick... read more

Project Leaders
PeaceWinds Korea
PeaceWinds Korea
Yunkyung Lee
Yunkyung Lee
Jinho Noh
Jinho Noh
Seokyun Jeong, Hohyeok Lee, Jinguk Kim, Doohwan Ko
Organization Information
11 Wonhyo-ro 90-gil
Business bldg. 11F
Seoul, Yongsan-gu 04315
South Korea
Organization Information
11 Wonhyo-ro 90-gil
Business bldg. 11F
Seoul, Yongsan-gu 04315
South Korea

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Seminar: "Precious Stories Told by Deaf Ukrainians

By Eunbi Park | Coordinator

Dear our valued donors, On February 24, 2022, the Ukraine-Russia war began, leading to widespread devastation. Many Deaf Ukrainians fled to other countries, but they continue to grapple with the... Read the full report ›

25 children graduated in May

By Seunghwan Baek | Coordinator

Hello!   This is Seung-hwan Baek from Peace Winds korea.   There are many things for last April and May.   Today, I would like to share some news about the childcare learning... Read the full report ›

Medical Aid for 1,188 Ukrainian Women Refugees

By Eunbi Park | Coordinator

Dear Valued Supporters,Hello, I am Eunbi PARK, Coordinator at PeaceWindsKorea.Today, I bring you news of our provision of vital mobile medical support to 1,188 Ukrainian women refugees.It has... Read the full report ›
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