Educate a child-  a chance for a brighter future Educate a child-  a chance for a brighter future Educate a child-  a chance for a brighter future Educate a child-  a chance for a brighter future

A Self-Help Assistance Program (ASAP)

Org #573
Vetted since 2006
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


To cultivate self-reliance and foster cross-cultural understanding through entrepreneurship and education projects.

Project Leaders
Elizabeth Arsenault
Elizabeth Arsenault
Elizabeth Arsenault
Elizabeth Arsenault
Plaxcedes Morrison
Plaxcedes Morrison
Dorothy Ramsdell, Elizabeth Bara
Organization Information
1 Beavers St.
P.O. Box 2275 PTC 30269
Newnan, GA 30263
United States
(770) 632-7451
Organization Information
1 Beavers St.
P.O. Box 2275 PTC 30269
Newnan, GA 30263
United States
(770) 632-7451

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

There's Hope in Giving

By Plaxcedes Morrison | Project leader

  Several months have passed since the last report and I am delighted to report that the community continues to work very hard. to ensure that there is no competition amongst themselves the... Read the full report ›

Persevering in a tough financial climate

By Plaxcedes Morrison | Project Leader

Like many other educated Zimbabweans, Fran has university qualifications but failed to secure a paying job. With dependence to provide for, she has striven to take any opportunity to help them . A few... Read the full report ›

Joys of feeling empowered- Success Report

By Plaxcedes Morrison | Project Team Member

  With her face beaming, confidence showing in her bearing, Esma looks straight at the field officer eager to share her experiences. She first participated in the Tariro project before the... Read the full report ›
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