Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda

by Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)
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Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda
Girls Parliament to end child marriage in Uganda


SCOEN's Girl Parliaments project, a leadership development initiative focused on ending child marriage by strengthening girls' advocacy skills. This project includes a peer-education model in which girls share their learnings with classmates and other peers to raise awareness about girls' rights and the dangers of child marriage.

total goal
monthly donors


According to Girls Not Brides, 34% of Ugandan girls marry before the age of 18, 7% before the age of 15. In contrast, 6% of boys before the age of 18, highlighting a stark gender disparity. Economic challenges within families is a key driver of these rates as parents often marry their girls at an early age due to incentives such as dowries. SCOEN is committed to disrupting the trend, ending the resulting cycle poverty which perpetuates vulnerabilities for girls and young women.


The project includes a peer-education model in which girls share learnings with classmates, other peers to raise awareness about girls' rights & dangers of child marriage. Offer girls the opportunity to participate in community forums, enabling them to practice leadership skills such as public speaking. Additionally, train facilitators for community outreach sessions, to encourage dialogues among parents, local leaders, & other key stakeholders to change social norms regarding child marriage.

Long-Term Impact

The project will directly engage 240 girls through its Girls' Parliament project. The organization also expects to reach 3,000 parents through its community outreach sessions, which will be held in 15 schools across the Bukedea district of Eastern Uganda. Through this project, SCOEN hopes to showcase the power of girls and combat social norms and attitudes which seek to diminish girls' agency and capabilities.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)

Location: Soroti, Eastern Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Scoenuganda1
Project Leader:
Hellen Ijangolet
Soroti , Eastern Uganda Uganda
$29,366 raised of $182,350 goal
208 donations
$152,984 to go
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