There are survivors of genocide and crimes against humanity with the courage and the need to tell their stories. We work to make this possib… read more
A world heritage of profound methods for establishing inner peace and social harmony, Tibetan Buddhist culture is endangered. The free of ch… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
From many conversations with families, affected children, parents' associations and our own experiences, we have noticed how gladly the fami… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
HRE Germany will train a pool of 500 trainers of both refugees and host community members in unique and effective relaxation and stress reli… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
We open multilingual libraries and run storytelling workshops for socially excluded children in Germany, France, Morocco and Uganda. So far,… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
Children, particularly in difficult life situations, need a constant companion, which they can confide in and who supports them. This is wha… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
The New Kupferhof is a short term home for disabled children and their families. Here they can go on a vacation and return to everyday life … read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
Since 2006, Visions for Children has been committed to ensuring that every child is given the opportunity to obtain a basic education with w… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
"Making children strong for life!" This slogan neatly sums up how "Die Arche" reaches out to support socially disadvantaged children and you… read more
Project Goal: To help blind individuals who have fled from the war in Ukraine adapt to a foreign country by providing them with the opportun… read more
This project will work on modernizing the material around the movie about "Il Canto Sospeso", Luigi Nono's composition, which is at the core… read more
Visions for Children e.V. has set itself the goal of informing schoolchildren about global processes, especially in connection with internat… read more
The German Red Cross is a member of the global community of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, providing help without di… read more
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