Project Report
| May 29, 2018
2nd Quarterly Progress Report
By Shad Begum | Executive Director
![Consultations with young political activists]()
Consultations with young political activists
Accomplished Activities during the 2nd quarter of the project:
- Selection and profiling of 06 youth (02 girls and 04 boys) from district Dir Lower was finalized after due process. Brief bios of these selected youth will be finalized and made public during the next month.
- Meetings and consultations with young political activists at the local level were arranged for introduction of the Youth Political Leadership Program and its aims and objectives. Youth especially girls apprised the initiative and expressed interest to take part in its activities actively and get the maximum benefit of it.
- Training manuals for first leadership training were made final and pre-tested in a small group of youth in Lower Dir. After pre-testing the manual was finalized and made ready for training after Ramadan.
- Project monthly progress review and planning meetings were held in the head office. During the meeting project progress was reviewed, challenges were discussed and action plan was reviewed and finalized for every next month.
Challenges faced and mitigation strategies applied:
The project design is based on an integrated approach in term of the relevancy of the activities sequel and effect. The total estimated budget of the project is 50,000 USD, against this budget until we have received an amount of donation around 5,300.00 USD. The project team discussed the funding challenge and agreed to start the Youth Leadership Training in one district initially, keeping in mind the cost of the training and available funds. Later, the project will be extended to the rest of the two target districts.
![Youth Leadership Training Manual Pre-testing]()
Youth Leadership Training Manual Pre-testing
![Youth Leadership Training Manual Pre-testing]()
Youth Leadership Training Manual Pre-testing
Feb 27, 2018
Quarterly Progress Report for the project titled "Support Youth Political Leadership in Pakistan"
By Shad Begum | Project Leader
Through this project, ABKT aims to create a critical mass of 30 youth leaders from 3 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan where youth are vulnerable to radicalization in the face of militancy and corruption. Giving them a platform to understand and engage in democratic processes, this project will train and support the 30 youth leaders in organizing a campaign around a political issue that affects their community, bringing them together in an important space of civic engagement.
Several advancements have been made in starting up this project. During the month of December 2017, ABKT’s Management organized a planning meeting to sort out a fundraising plan for the project. Key roles and responsibilities were assigned to the relevant team members. Various tools and techniques were discussed and finalized to ensure successful fundraising on the GlobalGiving platform.
In the first week of January 2018, Mr. Sami Khan was assigned to lead the project as a manager. He was briefed on the project and its intended results by the Executive Director and management. Mr. Sami Khan was assigned to review and finalize the implementation plan for the project, keeping in mind the received funds and logical order of the overall activities of the project.
ABKT's field staff was oriented by the project manager about the overall project and specifically about the selection criteria and process for youth political leaders. Meetings with youth political activists were initiated by the field staff at a local level, and profiling of youth is in progress to further finalize the selection process in the 2nd quarter of the project.
The process for training manual development/modification has been initiated. In this regard, the Human Resources team at ABKT is playing the leading role of Project Manager and has started collecting, reviewing and finalizing the contents for training manuals.
Project monthly progress review and planning meetings were held in the head office. During the meetings, the project progress was reviewed, challenges were discussed, and an action plan was reviewed and finalized for every next month.
The project design is very much integrated in terms of the sequences of activities. The total estimated budget of the project is 50,000 USD. Against this budget around 5,000 USD has been received in donations until now. The project team discussed the challenge and tried their best to reorganize the activities according to the received funds, making sure not to disturb the logical order of the project.
It was also simultaneously realized that ABKT must give more attention to online fundraising for this project on GlobalGiving in the coming months.