Sleeping through the night, drinking another cup of coffee in the morning, going to work, having lunch or dinner together with the whole family at a restaurant, relaxing while reading a book, going to the cinema with the kids, going out with the partner or travelling on holiday together.
Aren´t these things we take for granted?
But for some people these things could mean everything. Not because they have sleeping problems, or they have no time because they have to rush to work. Not because they couldn`t find a job, or they are too stingy. Not because they are not interested in reading or in spending time with (all of) their kids. Not because they have different interests or can´t afford a family holiday.
Being a parent of a child with disabilities often means to give up time. All of your time. Time to sleep, time to work, time to spend time with the whole family, with your partner or just time for yourself. Even a second cup of coffee at breakfast is time luxury you can´t or won`t afford.
This year “The Kupferhof” celebrated fifth anniversary and during the past years many guests had written into our guest book. These messages are very touching because they show deep gratitude. Gratitude for the little things and things we take for granted. Things “The Kupferhof” make possible. The feeling of being welcome, secure, comfortable and well cared for. But most of all: time, time to regain your strength and return home full of energy, by spending time for oneself, together and … time for a second cup of coffee.
Translations of the guest book messages:
Number I (June 2017)
Dear Kupferhof-Team
It has been the third time we could rest, relax and recover at “The Kupferhof”. This year the rest came just at the right moment.
We almost had no more energy to pack all the things and make the long ride to Northern Germany. But Thank God we managed it.
And the time here was so good again. A full night´s sleep, time to relax. Time just to read a book. Time just to drink another cup of coffee at breakfast. Muse to have a good conversation with the family or other families. Muse to play the piano. And all that with the consciousness that Hannah is well cared for.
Thank you so much to all hands, the visible and the invisible, who enabled this time, which is so important for us.
Number II (March 2018)
Dear Kupferhof-Team
The first short break after 13 years! We haven`t expected that Sara Marie was taking part in everything so well and that she was so well cared for. So we could do all the things others take for granted, like to sleep in, a romantic trip without organizing help for Sara Marie, just to enjoy….
We met here so many nice and endearing people. Thanks to all!
We would like to come back!
Number III (October 2015)
Moments, you shouldn`t miss are those you can thank for. – And this we want to do at this point.
It was our first visit at “The Kuperhof”, our first stay at your short-term home and we absolutely enjoyed it.
Since the birth of our special little one the moments of spontaneity and carefree relaxation became rare. That´s why we enjoyed this week as a gift.
No struggles, not having to be humbly grateful for being tolerated, no minor role, no marginal figure, no annoying petitioner.
But just being welcome.
We haven´t had such a good time for so long.
Your lovable and openminded warmth did so good.
And we got great moments to take with us:
The first time we went to the cinema together, both of us and our 11-year-old sibling.
An afternoon at the Lego Store without time limit, just the three of us and the Lego stones.
Those things and moments became very precious.
And: You managed to destroy our guilty conscience because we brought our (special) child here and left him in your care.
For one week we could step back, watch and learn that Noi felt comfortable.
We now know, that it is a time out for all of us, if Noi stays at Yours sometimes. – Thank you!
Thank you for your lovable way to do things, thank you for your attention!
And thank you for the courage and the engagement to make this wonderful institution come true – from a vision to reality.
You realized the needs and desires of your guests, so that they can take a deep breath when it´s most needed.
Thank you!
May the Blessings of Christmas bring you Peace and Joy throughout the New Year.