Generous donors, I am very excited to share with you the plans being made for July and August at the Youlou Art Centre, Indian Bay.
We have spent the last several months preparing our new space and making plans for workshops and events.
At the moment we are getting ready for a "Sip and Paint " event slated for July 3rd. This event engages the adult public in a relaxing, fun, and creative way.
On Monday, July 22 the annual visual arts program will start. Like last year we will have a morning and afternoon session. The morning session is geared for children 5 to 12 years old. The theme will be "From The Sea Part 3" a continuation from the last 2 years. The focus will be on coral - This session takes place in 3 locations.
Children will learn about the Coral Kingdom, why coral is important to the environment and the danger the world's coral reefs face. Activities include sculpture, drawing and painting. The end result is a large coral reef.
The Textile Workshop, the afternoon session, will take place at the Youlou Art Centre.
It is for children age 8 and up who want to learn the art of decorating on fabric. Children will learn basic sewing and embroidery stitches, how to applique, and tie dye. In essence they will learn about surface decoration. The end result is a decorated T-shirt using their newly learnt skills.
August 3rd is the opening reception for the show "Vincy Women Artists Now 2019". 14 women will be showing their art work.
Donors continue to support us we are striving to build a strong and creative arts community in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Your support is indeed needed.