SOS Ukraine - assistance for the disabled

by Fundacja im. Doktora Piotra Janaszka PODAJ DALEJ/ Doctor Piotr Janaszek PAY IT FORWARD Foundation
SOS Ukraine - assistance for the disabled
SOS Ukraine - assistance for the disabled
SOS Ukraine - assistance for the disabled
SOS Ukraine - assistance for the disabled


This project will provide physiotherapy and life training for refugees with disabilities who had to leave Ukraine due to the war. We are offering 12 places in Blues Hostel in Konin, which is fully accessible for wheelchair users. We'll provide food, necessary medical supplies, support from coaches, physiotherapists, psychologists and support staff at our organization. We estimate that one person will spend about 3-6 months in our care before moving on.

total goal
monthly donors


Due to the escalation of the armed conflict, millions of Ukrainian citizens found themselves in great danger overnight. The current situation also directly hits the most vulnerable - people with disabilities. The ongoing war, the associated fear, and the feeling of helplessness is another harrowing experience they have to face.


Your donation to this project will support refugees with disabilities who had to leave Ukraine due to the war. We'll provide food, necessary medical supplies, support from coaches, physiotherapists, psychologists and support staff at our organization. We are offering 12 places in Blues Hostel in Konin (central Poland), which is fully accessible for wheelchair users. We estimate that one person will spend about 3-6 months in our care before moving on.

Long-Term Impact

The project will provide 12 wheelchair accessible accommodations. This could be the first stop for people with disabilities who are fleeing the war before moving on. We will provide necessary specialist assistance, rehabilitation, medical supplies and equipment needed to live. They will participate in independence training to be as independent as possible. We'll help them with the official formalities. We assume that one person will spend about 3-6 months with us before moving on.


Project Leader:
Olga Janaszek-Serafin
Konin , Poland
$7,672 raised of $30,000 goal
79 donations
$22,328 to go
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