Contamination in drinking water is everywhere in the world, but rural areas of Africa including Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Tanzania & Malawi all facing in 2023 Cholera BREAKOUT and needs solution, AHD want to help these countries with Safe Drinking Water Nadi filter technology to help them with skills and knowledge and long term impact to get safe and clean drinking water from AHD Nadi filter solution, Nadi filter helping lifetime sustainable solution for rural communities
Flooding April 26th in Tana River County, affected thousands and immediate needs safe drinking water, water borne diseases such as Cholera indeed sever, rural people on large scale and needs to tackle these poor communities from sickness and help them to get access to safe and clean drinking water from Nadi filter solution, Nadi filter is the lifetime solution and equip people with skills & solution
AHD Nadi filter will help Tana River County Kenya families to get adopt Nadi filter and team in process to prepare Nadi pots and access to safe and clean drinking water and get saved from Cholera, Gastero and Diheria completely Eradicated and families live healthy life for long term and lifetime
15,000 flood affected Tana River Country Kenya communities' will have long term impact and using Nadi filter for lifetime solution, AHD equip people with skills and support them with technology of energy save and use natural way of filtering contaminated water into safe and clean drinking water
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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