Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda

by Mountains of hope childrens ministries
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda
Booster grants to 500 needy Households in Uganda


This project is providing booster grants worth $300 to 500 vulnerable families each year in 2 districts of Jinja and Mpigi district in Eastern and central Uganda respectively, its targetting families of HIV infected and affected children, female sex workers aiming at making them financially stable, most of these families are headed by women who can not access loans from financial institutions due to lack of collateral, this project also empowers them with business skills trainings quarterly

total goal
monthly donors


Due to the current global economic crisis,HIV and rural poverty in Uganda, this has sent more people un employed, women and girls migrating to urban centers for sex work yet majority of these women have lost their husbands who are always bread winners. Household poverty is the biggest factor preventing children from realising Education,Medication among others. The program aims at boosting family income so as to reduce the incidence of poverty in rural Uganda


This project is providing booster grants worth $300 US to each of these families to start over again so that they become self reliant, . The program provides a grant inkind basing on what the person is dealing in, additional chicken and chicken feed to those rearing hens, additional clothes to those running boutiques, additional shop items to retail shop owners etc etc

Long-Term Impact

The project has organized these families into village groups and is training them in business skills so that they can better manage their businesses, the project has also empowered the groups to start saving and loaning themselves with low interest rates

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Mountains of hope childrens ministries

Location: Mpigi, Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @OfMountains?s=08
Project Leader:
James Malinga
Project Director
Mpigi , Uganda
$64,291 raised of $95,000 goal
170 donations
$30,709 to go
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