The project aims at building blocks of pit latrines and lavatories in 13 schools in the Mindoro Island (Philippines). Currently the schools lack totally pit latrines and therefore there are great hygiene shortcomings, especially for the girls. The WASH project aims at guaranteeing the basic hygiene and at reducing the vulnerability of a population who lives in an area hit by natural disasters (almost 30 per year).
There are currently several schools in the Philippines which are lacking sanitary facilities, causing very low level of hygiene and therefore a high rate of diseases.
This project aims at providing each of the 13 selected schools with pit-latrines and lavatories to guarantee the basic health conditions and to prevent childhood diseases, which affect not only the children but also their families and the entire community.
Therefore, the project will not only benefit the 2,145 students of the 13 schools, but also the entire community in the areas where the schools are located (15,500 people in the barangays and 85,800 people if we consider the 3 municipalities involved).
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).