Madagascar is prone to devastating disasters, including the impact of tropical cyclones, recurring drought, and development challenges. The island country faced the world's first climate-caused famines in 2021.
Hundreds of thousands of people in Southern Madagascar, including infants and children, are malnourished and suffering from severe food insecurity. The country's location also puts it at risk of recurring deadly and unpredictable cyclones, which destroy agriculture, disrupt lives, and displace many people.
All donations to this fund will support nutrition and food relief efforts in Madagascar. Initially, funding will help meet immediate needs for food, water, and hygiene products. The fund will also support long-term recovery efforts run primarily by local, vetted organizations in Madagascar.
GlobalGiving is one of the most reliable and trustworthy charities in the world. We have a four-star rating and nearly perfect score from Charity Navigator due to our stability, efficiency, sustainability, and commitment to transparency.
Our disaster relief funds have been recommended by the New York Times, the Associated Press, NPR, Washington Post, Oprah, ABC News, and the US State Department.
GlobalGiving has been responding to disasters and supporting emergency aid and long-term relief programs since 2004. We have facilitated more than $100M in disaster donations to funds just like this one.
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This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).