By Iwona Olkowicz | project coordinator and trainer
/Polish version below/
Since October 2021, we've been developing the project in 4 more primary schools. This means that we support the activities of as many as 172 young people involved in school volunteering in 9 locations!. We conduct volunteering classes, use games and fun activities as well as quizzes to encourage young people to volunteer in a remarkable way and thus develop their passions and skills.
This fall, students organized 9 actions (1 in each school). This year's voluntary activities were dominated by support for those who would not take care of themselves, i.e. homeless animals or animals staying in temporary homes. The actions are briefly described at the end of the report.
Creating and organizing social actions helps young people to understand the functioning of social mechanisms, helps to establish relationships within the community, teaches communication in a team, cooperation in a group and gives them a sense of agency. And this gives us the greatest satisfaction.
This year, we proposed to young people from 5 schools (where we have been working with for over a year) to get involved in creating videos about volunteering. We wanted young people to learn how to use a smartphone to make a video, create stories using images, and learn how to use new technologies in practice. For this purpose, we conducted classes with a filmmaker who showed young people how to tell the stories, how to record film shots, how to avoid the most common mistakes and how to achieve an interesting effect using a mobile phone. Students from 5 schools prepared film scripts, thinking together how to show volunteering as seen through their eyes, recorded shots and sent them to a filmmaker who took care of film editing, in accordance with the script written by the youth.
We are very proud of the youth that they took up the challenge to prepare video materials in such a difficult time of the next wave of the pandemic!
On December 17, 2021, we organized the first local festival of volunteering short movies and showed their achievements! The videos are successively translated into English and can be viewed on our website, in the "Galeria" submenu.
We are also working on the English version of our website and photo gallery to widely promote the activities of young volunteers!
Here are the actions that young people have carried out recently:
• "Without us, dogs are neglected!" - a campaign by students from Swietajno to organize a collection of food, blankets and toys for dogs - pupils of the 4 Paws Association. In addition, a sweets fair was organized, which was sold at the school, and the incomes were used to help animals.
• "Help binds us" is a public fundraising collection to support the rehabilitation of a boy who had an accident during a football match. The boy is paralyzed and requires expesive rehabilitation and the help of specialists. For several weeks, students from Prostki were collecting money on the streets of the town, involving many local partners.
• "Improve your day" is an action of students from Rozynsk Wielki. Young volunteers prepared of over 100 compliments written on small cards that were distributed at school and at the Prostki Municipality.
• "Noble Gift" - students of the school in Wisniowo Elckie joined in supporting one of the poor families. As part of nationwide action held in December, the students, together with their parents, teaching staff and the parish, collected the most-needed products that went to the needy neighborhood family.
• "Collection for the Hospice" was the idea of a young volunteer from Straduny who involved the school community, a parish, a community center and 2 grocery stores to collect food and cosmetics, which were then given to the Hospice in the neighboring commune.
• "Let’s manifest a heart for homeless" is a campaign by young people from Mrozy Wielkie. The action was about raising the necessary products (including clothes) for homeless people in Elk.
• "Christmas lottery and dog food collection" are activities undertaken by young volunteers from Sokolki. As a result, food for animals, blankets and other accessories for dogs under the care of the 4 Paws Association were collected.
• groups of volunteers from two schools also organized collections of food and blankets for the charges of the 4 Paws Association.
And what do young people say about our joint activities?
"We are convinced that we can no longer live without volunteering and the actions we organize, we are even addicted, and we cannot stop, we are Liski Urwiski volunteering" /Liski Urwiski is the name of the volunteers team in Mrozy Wielkie/
"Volunteering for me is:
- selfless help
- taking care of the planet
- making new friends
- love"
"We spread our wings - wings of goodness"
Thank you for the support of GlobalGiving donors! Without you, we wouldn't be able to achieve so much!
Nowe wyzwania, wiecej grup wolontariackich i pierwszy festiwal filmikow o wolontariacie!
Od pazdziernika 2021 rozwijamy projekt w 4 kolejnych szkolach podstawowych. To oznacza, ze wspieramy dzialania az 172 mlodych ludzi zaangazowanych w wolontariat szkolny w 9 miejscach. Prowadzimy zajecia o wolontariacie, wykorzystujemy gry i zabawy oraz quizy, aby w niebanalny sposob zachecac mlodziez do wolontariatu i rozwijania w ten sposob swoich pasji i umiejetnosci.
Tej jesieni, uczniowie zorganizowali 9 akcji (po 1 w kazdej szkole). W ich dzialaniach wolontariackich, dominowalo wsparcie na rzecz tych, ktorzy sami o siebie nie zadbaja, czyli zwierzat bezdomnych lub pozostajacych w domach tymczasowych. Akcje opisane sa krótko pod koniec sprawozdania.
Tworzenie i organizacja akcji spolecznych pomaga mlodziezy zrozumiec dzialanie mechanizmow spolecznych, pomaga nawiazywac relacje ze srodowiskiem lokalnym, uczy komunikacji w zespole, wspolpracy w grupie oraz daje im poczucie sprawczosci. A to daje nam najwieksza satysfakcje.
W tym roku zaproponowalismy mlodziezy z 5 szkol (tam, gdzie pracujemy z mlodymi wolontariuszami ponad rok), aby zaangazowali sie w tworzenie filmikww o wolontariacie. Chcielismy, aby mlodziez nauczya sie operowac kamera, tworzyc opowiesci za pomoca obrazww oraz nauczyla sie wykorzystywania nowych technologii w praktycznym dzialaniu. W tym celu przeprowadzilismy zajecia z filmowcem, ktory pokazal mlodym ludziom, jak opowiadac obrazem, jak nagrywac ujecia filmowe, jak unikac najczestszych bledów i jak osiagnac ciekawy efekt przy wykorzystaniu telefonu komorkowego. Uczniowie z 5 szkol przygotowywali scenariusze filmww, zastanawiajac sie wspolnie jak pokazac wolontariat widziany ich oczami, nagrywali ujecia i przesyali je do filmowca, ktory zajal sie montazem filmow, zgodnie z napisanymi przez mlodziez scenariuszami.
Jestesmy bardzo dumni z mlodziezy, ze podjela sie takiego wyzwania, aby w trudnym czasie kolejnej fali pandemii, przygotowac materialy filmowe!
17 grudnia 2021 zorganizowalismy pierwszy lokalny festiwal filmikow o wolontariacie i pokazalismy ich dokonania! Filmiki sa sukcesywnie tumaczone na jezyk angielski i mozna je obejrzec na naszej stronie, w zakadce „Galeria”.
Pracujemy tez nad wersja angielska naszej strony i fotogaleria, aby szerzej promowac dzialania mlodych wolontariuszy!
Oto, jakie akcje mlodziez zrealizowaa w ostatnim czasie:
A co mowi mlodziez o naszych wspolnych dzialaniach?
„Utwierdzamy sie w przekonaniu, ze juz nie dajemy rady zyc bez wolontariatu i organizowanych przez nas akcji, jestesmy wrecz uzaleznieni i nie mozemy przestac, wolontariat to my, Liski Urwiski” /Liski Urwiski to nazwa grupy wolontariackiej z Mrozow Wielkich/
„Wolontariat to dla mnie:
- bezinteresowna pomoc
- dbanie o planete
- nawiazywanie nowych przyjazni
- milosc"
„Rozwijamy skrzydla – skrzydla dobroci”
Dziekujemy, ze mozemy liczyc na wsparcie darczyncow GlobalGiving! Bez Was nie bylibysmy w stanie tak wiele osiagnac!
By Iwona Olkowicz | project coordinator and trainer
By Iwona Olkowicz | Project coordinator and trainer
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