Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future

by Windmills of Masuria Association
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Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future
Help Masurian kids to learn competences of future

Project Report | Jan 16, 2023
We have engaged over 400 young people!

By Iwona Olkowicz | program coordinator

We have engaged over 400 young people in school volunteering to develop their competences



Happy New Year! What's up with us?

Since September 2022, we have launched activities in 15 schools to give young people a space to learn social skills through school volunteering. At the same time, we work with out-of-school institutions – as an alternative to classes in schools - in case the Minister of Education bans non-governmental organizations from conducting classes in schools. Yes! There are such ideas in the Polish parliament! 

We work with a total of over 330 young people who take over the activities in school volunteering clubs! It is quite an effort for our small team, but thanks to your support, we can do it!

We conduct classes with young people through games, plays, and quizzes, but most of all, we give them a space to choose and decide what actions they want to get involved in and how they want to carry them out. They plan how to do it, who can support them, and how. Such a planning process is a new experience for all of them! Our classes are not typical lessons, young people play a crucial role - we only support them in making joint decisions, and we encourage teachers to give young people a chance to prove themselves and to act together. Is it working? Yes! It works very well!

The young volunteers carried out their own planned and invented actions, having a lot of fun and a sense of agency. And most importantly for us - they learned to cooperate, set tasks together, carry them out responsibly and celebrate success together!

Some of them have prepared (with the support of a filmmaker) video materials about their activities, which can be viewed on our website

Unfortunately, we haven't yet translated them into English, but we will gradually do so.

In December 2022, we summed up the activities of young people and showed them on the Internet to widely promote the activities of wonderful young people who deserve great applause! 

In October, we organized another important activity - workshops preparing young people for the first inter-school Oxford debates. Young people will acquire such skills as public speaking, debating, defending their opinion, respect for different arguments, and verifying and searching for information on a given topic. In February 2023 we are planning to organize the First Masurian League of Oxford Debates and we need your support! Especially for this purpose, we have launched a fundraising project to finance the travel costs of young people and the trainer (and we have a great trainer who incredibly encourages young people to debate), refreshments, and small prizes for great speakers. The link to the collection is here:

From the new year, we are starting further activities with young people, and we will strengthen them in developing such important skills, thanks to which they will enter adulthood more easily.

We are counting on your support and encourage you to make regular payments because thanks to you we can work with young people without fear that we will run out of money for activities. Thank you for being with us!



Zaangazowalismy ponad 400 uczniow w aktywny wolontariat!


Szczesliwego Nowego Roku! Co u nas slychac?


Od wrzesnia 2022 ruszylismy z zajeciami w 15 szkolach, aby poprzez dzialanie w szkolnym wolontariacie uczyc modziez kompetencji spolecznych. Oprocz tego, szukamy alternatywy dla lekcji w szkolach – na wypadek, gdyby minister edukacji zakazal organizacjom pozarzadowym prowadzenia zajec w szkoach. Tak! Sa takie pomysly w polskim parlamencie!

Pracujemy lacznie z ponad 330 mlodymi ludzmi, ktorzy przejmuja aktywnosc w szkolnych klubach wolontariatu!  Jest to spory wysiek dla naszego skromnego zespou, ale dzieki Twojemu wsparciu, dajemy rade!

Prowadzimy z modzieza zajecia za pomoca gier, zabaw, quizww, ale przede wszystkim dajemy im mozliwosc wyboru i decydowania, w jakie akcje chca sie zaangazowac i jak je chca przeprowadzic. Nasze zajecia nie sa typowymi lekcjami, to modziez odgrywa w nich najwieksza role – my tylko wspieramy ich w podejmowaniu wspolnych decyzji, zachecamy nauczycieli, aby dali mlodym szanse na wykazanie sie i na wspolne dzialania. Czy to dziala? Tak! To dziala bardzo dobrze!

Mlodzi wolontariusze przeprowadzili samodzielnie przez siebie wymyslone i zaplanowane akcje, majac z tego mnostwo frajdy i poczucia sprawczosci. A co dla nas najwazniejsze – nauczyli sie wspoldzialac, razem ustalac zadania, odpowiedzialnie je realizowaz i wspolnie celebrowac sukces!

Czesc z nich przygotowaaa (przy wsparciu filmowca) materialy video o swoich dzialaniach, ktore mozna obejrzec na naszej stronie

Niestety jeszcze nie zdazylismy ich przetlumaczyc na jazyk angielski, ale sukcesywnie bedziemy to robic. Jezeli ktos z Was chcialby nam pomoc, bedziemy wdzieczni za wsparcie :)

W grudniu podsumowalismy dzialania modziezy i pokazalismy w internecie ich dzialania, aby promowac szeroko aktywnosc wspanialych mlodych ludzi, ktorzy naprawde zasluguja na wielkie brawa!

W pazdzierniku zorganizowalismy jeszcze jedno wazne dzialanie – warsztaty przygotowujace mlodziez do pierwszych miedzyszkolnych debat oksfordzkich. Mlodziez bedzie zdobywac takie umiejetnosci jak: wystapienia publiczne, debatowanie, bronienie swojego zdania, szacunek do odmiennych argumentow, weryfikowanie i poszukiwanie informacji na dany temat. W lutym 2023 planujemy organizacje Pierwszej Mazurskiej Ligi Debat Oksfordzkich i potrzebujemy Waszego wsparcia! Specjalnie w tym celu uruchomilismy zbiorke, aby sfinansowac koszty przejazdu modziezy oraz trenera (a mamy wspaniala trenerke, ktora niesamowicie zacheca mlodziez do debatowania), poczestunek i drobne nagrody dla wspanialych mowcow. Link do zbiorki jest tu:

Od nowego roku zaczynamy dalsze dzialania z modzieza i bedziemy ich wzmacniac w rozwijaniu tak waznych umiejetnosci, dzieki ktorym latwiej wejda w doroslosc. 

Bardzo liczymy na Wasze wsparcie, zachecamy do cyklicznych wpat, bo dzieki Wam mozemy pracowac z mlodzieza bez strachu, ze zabraknie nam pieniedzy na dzialania. Dziekujemy, ee jestescie z nami!



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Sep 16, 2022
New school year with new challenges!

By Iwona Olkowicz | project coordinator

May 20, 2022
Young volunteers want to show their accomplishments to the world!

By Iwona Olkowicz | Project Coordinator

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Organization Information

Windmills of Masuria Association

Location: Stare Juchy - Poland
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Iwona Olkowicz
Stare Juchy , Poland
$11,584 raised of $18,000 goal
337 donations
$6,416 to go
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