Project Report
| Aug 8, 2014
Help Educate 330 Mukinyai School Orphans, Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
We are proceeding on well with this project although it seems challenges are increasing instead of decreasing but we are optimistic we will overcome them. We have managed to support a former Mukinyai student who is now in form one with new school uniforms and text books. She is progressing on well and we have even received her school progress report which is impressing and we hope she will continue improving. We have also supported 5 most vulnerable households with rabbits and chicken and we believe this initiative will result to an improved income generating activity for these needy families and they will improve their living standard and especially for the school going children i.e. provide them with the most basic needs. We thank all the well wishers who have enabled us move this far despite the many challenges.
Apr 28, 2014
Help Educate 330 Mukinyai School Orphans, Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
We have continued to support needy girls in Mukinyai primary with sanitary pads in previous term and we hope to continue supporting these girls as we have discovered the support is very important to these girls. They are now attending school regularly and this has helped them improve in their class performances. We also supported few students with school uniforms who performed well in last year’s final examination and were admitted to secondary school. Again this was important support as well wishers fundraised for their school fees and many could not afford school uniforms where we chipped in and assisted them with 2 pairs of uniforms each. We are fundraising for more support on school uniforms as many in this village are really struggling as many of them are orphans and many of their guardians are poor old people. This far we have supported a good number of children and also some households to enable them move on.
Jan 24, 2014
Help Educate 330 Mukinyai School Orphans, Kenya
By Lucy Mathenge | Project Assistant
Last term we considered providing sanitary towels to vulnerable girls of Mukinyai primary school and teachers reported that these girls improved in their performances as absenteeism greatly reduced. Some of these girls are orphans and their guardians are either their grandparents or close relatives who did not care much when they miss school. After sitting for their final primary school exams, the teacher reported o us that the beneficiaries of sanitary towels performed very well but again the challenge is how they will proceed with their secondary education as their parents and guardians cannot raise school fees to take them to secondary school. For those who were lucky, they managed to get scholarships from Equity Bank of Kenya and others have applied for scholarships from other sources but they have not received feedback yet. We will be supporting more students with sanitary towels as we realize that they are benefiting our girls greatly. We are working closely with other organizations and well-wishers to raise funds to continue supporting these girls and we are also considering providing them with underwear’s as we have realized that they are also needs.