Coronavirus is spreading rapidly among our community due to other cultural beliefs we had in our country like hand shaking when greeting each other, staying closer in funeral ceremonies, Engagement and Wedding ceremonies, Initiation ceremonies and the way out Orphans and other Vulnerable person's are sharing their staying and sleeping rooms. Some of these Malawian cultures need to be stopped and the supply of some material that i helps in preventing the spread of coronavirus has to increasing
Malawian cultures encourages some other habits that increases the spread of coronavirus among the community like hand shaking greetings , close staying in funeral, engagements and Wedding gatherings and touching of the mouth and long stay without washing hands. Another problem is the poverty that many Malawians are staying in, made them unable to access materials that helps them prevent the infection of corona virus. All these cultures increases the spread of coronavirus
This project will reach the most disadvantaged groups of people that could not be able to access the needed materials that helps prevent a person catch coronavirus. Hence providing them with those materials like sanitizers, hand wash soap, face masks and social distances that this project will be imparting the community in different awareness rallied.
This project will help stop the spread of coronavirus and COVIDQ9 within our community and all activities, functions that are stopped will start operating normally like schools will be reopened. Mostly Orphans are are not accessing the humanly and basic daily needs due to coronavirus that banned visitors to their service centres while this project will help end this barrier and all services will normally fixed.
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