April 22, 2019
Funds Received: $17,872
Dear GlobalGiving, Supporters/Donors,
Thanks to all our supporters. Since December 2018 to now, lot of activities has been taken place in which we enjoyed a season of love, concern and care. It is the Power given to Girls to exercise their rights and be in a family full of social and humanitarian giving.
Partners in the Girl Power have done a great work and still continuing showing love and care. Their contributions is the whole world to us, shows us how they are willing to help always, to lift the poor out of poverty, creating and building bridges together for a better living. These donations have saved many lives from dropping out of school to having skills that makes them self employed and self reliant.
Recent activities apart from support girls in schools with uniforms, books and community based study group support, workshops has been going on which includes both boys and girls. The total number of children who participated in the training was 20 each from each center location. 8 centers very closed to each other were dealt with. 3 groups were undertaken from each 2 large schools and 2 groups from smaller schools based much closed to each other.
The community is selected as it has to do with crime rate and serious abuse of child’s rights by both the community people and the school children themselves. The schools have students from many different communities who are bordering with the neighbouring Guinea country. Many of these students lives are categorically not healthy and acceptable in communities because many has been dropouts due to forced marriages, migrants, child mothers, hustlers or prostitutes, drug pushers with neighbouring country Guinea drug pushers and buyers and are living at high social risks.
Stories of over 100s of girls can tell you how far they have gone with life and what they have gone through. Many are living within this Port Loko city with a purpose to find ways to change their life style and become good citizens of tomorrow, as being in the street, in illegal activities and ghettos have gained them nothing with unacceptable and unwanted marriages and children now.
Out of 160 participants, 63 are child mothers, 49 are victims of the Ebola disease, 37 are orphans, 23 does not know the whereabouts of their parents – no knowledge of their existence. Since 2013 to 2016, 41 are girls prostitutes, 79 are living within the Port Loko districts whilst 81 of them came from the border communities with Guinea. 17 are still in their marriage homes whilst 46 girls are out of their forced marriage homes and live by themselves. 9 girl-mothers have 3 babies, 17 girl-mothers have 2 babies each, 37 girl- mothers has single babies. 49 boys have girl-friends.
Out of these 49, 28 boys have children with their girl’s friends and not married. 75 girls are doing petty businesses whilst 23 boys are petty traders too and own gardens. Other girls and boys do dirty jobs such as drug pushing and robbery (purse pickers and tricking people on money laundering and other created stories of illegal deals), some boys and girls has cannabis sativa gardens far away in the bushes where it is prepared to be shipped into Guinea and other parts of the country such as in Freetown and Makeni.
7 participants (4 boys + 3 girls = 17 – 18 years) are engaged in buying Tramadol tabs which is causing trouble in the lives of young people, making them crazy and druggy and is sold at higher price. They use this money to pay for their schools fees, take care of themselves and some help their parents/guardians). This tabs help them to work hard too, do more sexual intercourse, get strength to rob people at day and night, fighting and also to forget past issues if traumatized. 29% of them have humanitarian capacity and hearts as seen coming together within their 3 clubs for social activities but need more training to build them up to change lives.
Their lives depend on petty trading, ghetto life, prostitution and border economic activities. 9 are handicaps and disables with limbs, swollen face and with paralyzed feet. The prostitutes does their commercial sex business and use money to help their babies, set up and run petty trading businesses, help their parents, pay school fees and take care of themselves.
Few do real agricultural gardening activities. Some information is withheld for privacy policy. This success of this activity came because, these supporters has been with us always to make sure, girls are supported and trained to be empowered. Thanks for your contributing hard earning money always. Your supports were very helpful, especially the follow-ups on friends and relatives that has brought us together so far.
You are all our special and fine partners who have given us new perspective on available opportunities and saving the lives of our beneficiaries. Waow, what a great friendship, a fine partner and caring person you are in our world. We value your support. Because of you, In 2017 and 2018, GlobalGiving vetted ChildHelp Sierra Leone has one of the effective organization with an award for such service. We don’t know how ChildHelp should have been without you. We will continuously update and email our reports on donations used and what has been achieved so far.
We also appreciate you, your friends, families, churches and missions, etc. Because we cannot work alone, we are open for any information, comment, criticisms and advices that you may have, for project success and sustainability. We are still continuing our causes/campaigns online and need more support to meet the need of poverty stricken children left behind, to access their basic rights.
On behalf of ChildHelp Sierra Leone, We want to say thank you very much and kindly asked to continue supporting the Girl Power. We also thank the Global Giving Foundation for best practice in crowd funding.
We wish you all a blessed happy Easter. God bless you. Best regards,