Project Report
| Aug 1, 2016
Teach For Bulgaria Quarterly Report April-June 201
By Anjela Deyanska | Development Manager
We're thrilled to share with you a few of the key updates from Teach For Bulgaria over the second quarter of 2016, April-June. Notably, during this period, we wrapped up our biggest recruitment campaign with over 5900 registrations and over 2500 applications for the program! Today, 125 new TFB teachers are getting trained in anticipation of the upcoming 2016-2017 school year. Currently, over 1000 kids from grades 1 through 12 are participating in the 5th annual Summer Academy, which is held in two locations in Sofia. It is thanks to your support that TFB continues to grow and expand its reach, developing motivated and qualified teachers who are ready and able to provide quality education to some of Bulgaria’s underprivileged students.
We thank you for your continued trust and support!
May 3, 2016
Teach For Bulgaria-quarterly update
By Anjela Deyanska | Development Associate
Dear TFB supporters,
The first three months of 2016 were marked by a few milestones, which we could not have reached without the generous contributions of our corporate and individual supporters.
Between January and March, we secured the highest number of candidates for the Teach For Bulgaria program since our inception in 2010. The record-breaking applications were driven by combined recruitment efforts on a national and regional basis and backed by the support of our media partners. During this period, we also completed an important knowledge-sharing project, focused on developing 21st-century skills in class. TFB published a handbook, titled "How to develop21st-centuryy skills in class" featuring 13 key skills, lesson planning resources, and tried-and-tested classroom activities gathered from TFB classrooms. The handbook is available to download for free, in Bulgarian, as TFB strives to facilitate knowledge sharing among all teachers in the system. This way, we move a step closer to enhancing the quality of education throughout the sector.
For more on these highlights and others, please check out the attached report.
Thank you for your trust and support! Your contributions make our work possible and get us closer to our shared goal of equal access to quality education for every child in Bulgaria.
Feb 9, 2016
Teach For Bulgaria-quarterly update
By Anjela Deyanska | Development Associate
The last three months of 2015 were eventful for us at Teach For Bulgaria, and we're thrilled to share with you a few highlights from the quarter.
By far our biggest event of the year took place in November 2015, the Education Conference, co-hosted with the European Commission, the World Bank, and Forbes Bulgaria. The two-day conference featured renowned education experts and practitioners who shared best practices in education policy, school management, and innovation as a means of improving access to quality education for underprivileged kids. Attended by over 500 guests, among whom government officials, principals, teachers, and others, the conference was a testament to Teach For Bulgaria's advocacy role in the education sector in Bulgaria.
We invite you to read the attached report and learn about the other highlights of the past 3 months, including the launch of our recruitment marketing campaign for teachers, the Inspirational Leaders Charity Auction, and an environmentally-focused school initiative in our newest region, Razgrad. The report also features the profile of Alex, a current Teach For Bulgaria teacher, and Emo, an alum from the first cohort of Teach For Bulgaria teachers who is currently spearheading "Vratsa Software", a school for motivated aspiring IT professionals in the Vratsa region.
We hope you enjoy this update and look forward to any feedback you may provide. Your support makes Teach For Bulgaria possible, aiding the development of underprivileged children through motivated and capable teachers. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our community!