Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America

by Fundacion ROFE Toca una Vida
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Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America
Empowering 2,000 youth for work in Latin America


We aim to reduce poverty and inequality, educating young people in vulnerable conditions with a focus on work opportunities. This project will increase the employment rate for youngsters in vulnerable communities. In 2023, Fundacion ROFE will develop training programs for 2,000 youngsters in Latin America in 3 areas: 1-Soft skills - leadership, teamwork, conflict resolution, communication skills; 2-Entrepreneurship - ideation, validation, and expansion of the business 3-Computer programming.

total goal
monthly donor


Colombia is the third most unequal country in the world. 27% of its population lives in poverty and 7% live with less than USD 1,25 per day. This condition of inequality limits the opportunities of youngsters to continue their education upon finishing school, leaving them with limited options to foresee a dignified future. Most of them search for employment in low-paid jobs or turn to illegal activities in order to subsist. Our goal is to work with 200 youngsters in 2021.


In the framework of the implementation of the fourth industrial revolution, Colombia is committed to training over 20,000 people in software programming by the year 2021. Each year there are thousands of students that cannot start formal studies due to economic limitations. Our goal is to identify and select talented youngsters in order to offer them integral training and employment opportunities hence contributing to the private sectors needs to locate and recruit human talents in this field.

Long-Term Impact

Colombia has adhered to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and has established its agenda for 2030. This project aims to impact, in one year, the lives of 200 youngsters, and indirectly their families and communities. Empowering these young men and women so they can subsist in a dignified manner will mean less poverty, less homicides, and less theft. This will, in the long term, contribute to the achievement of the country's SDG, and will have a positive impact socially and economically.


Organization Information

Fundacion ROFE Toca una Vida

Location: Bogota, DC - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @tocaunavida
Project Leader:
Ana Velasquez
Bogota , Colombia
$29,471 raised of $50,000 goal
295 donations
$20,529 to go
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