The Northern Region has markedly lower education and literacy rates than the rest of Ghana. While only 30% of people 15 years old or older haven't received an education, that figure raises to over 67% in the Northern Region, 75% for women. Through our Girls' Clubs, we work to empower girls in school, encourage female teachers, and provide a safe space for girls to voice their gender-specific problems and receive the support they need to stay in school.
The Northern Region is already disproportionately disadvantaged compared to the rest of Ghana. For women and girls, those disadvantages are even more severe. 75% of women in the Northern Region have never received an education. Our Complimentary Basic Education program provides free education to hundreds of children each year, but girls need more support. Since they are often taken out of school for chores, for marriage, and to save money, it's important to provide gender-specific support.
Our Girls' Clubs provide a community of support for girls in school while simultaneously empowering their female teachers. Through these clubs, we are able to monitor girls progress and provide support when needed whether that be negotiating with families to reenrol girls taken out of school due to marriage or pregnancy, providing education to families about the importance of girls education, or making girls simply feel supported and valued in their educational environment.
By ensuring the success of girls in school, we are educating and supporting the next generation of Ghanaian women. Our Girls' Clubs will create women who have not only completed their education, but who feel empowered and confident in themselves, helping them to become the next generation of doctors, teachers, politicians, journalists, or anything else they hope to become. The community forums, community sensitisation and trainings also help create entire communities that support female leaders.
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