Project Report
| Jan 27, 2025
Cool Pakistan & urgently plant 100,000 trees in 1,000 farming families
By Abdul Khurshid | Project Leader
![Trees plantation]()
Trees plantation
Cool Pakistan & urgently plant 100,000 trees in 1,000 farming families
Pakistan facing climate change crisis and climate effects see at large scale and about floods, droughts hit hard Pakistan and damages counts in billions dollars, even the floods 2022 hit hard and some 850,000 care crops flood water damages, still needs to do a lot and help Pakistan to make it cool via planting the trees 100,000 in next quarter and cool the land.
The rural families and women will take control over planting trees and 1,000 families will participate and each family will plant 100 trees and whole family will participate
AHD plans to organized 100 seminars and organize village level meetings and workshops.
![Trees plantation]()
Trees plantation
Dec 16, 2024
Help 300 women to get install smart cooking stove to save their health and environment
By Abdul Khurshid | Project Leader
![Training skills of women]()
Training skills of women
Help 300 women to get install smart cooking stove to save their health and environment
A New year coming close and the ending 2024 year with lot of difficulties and funding shortage for this project, we at AHD planned to reach 300 women in next quarter and till March 2025 we will help 300 women and some 3,000 households to get smoke free cooking and make happy and healthy their families and woman and children to get smoke free cooking and enable their women to save 50% wood and kitchen clean and utensils not more blackish
About 100 women will be trained and give trainings skills and in 3 months total 300 cooking stove
Join hands with AHD female team and reach 300 most vulnerable communities in rural areas of Sindh Pakistan
![Frame of cooking stove]()
Frame of cooking stove
Aug 22, 2024
Pakistan facing worst climate crisis and floods in Coastal areas
By Abdul Khurshid | Project Leader
![Jati cyclone]()
Jati cyclone
Pakistan facing worst climate crisis and floods in Coastal areas
Pakistan most affected country of climate effects and El Nino effects, the weather has been changes to 2 months later crops sowing and harvesting also late as per season, the rain now happens in Augusta and September and that impact crops damages and losses. As per update form the field. AHD in the file to assess and see the exact situation and the coastal belt of Sindh Pakistan most affected by this change of climate.
A large-scale effort needed and cooperation to tackle the climate change effects and bring the resilience in the rural poor communities.
AHD preparing to support minimum 3,000 families with safe drinking water, livelihood and sanitation and agriculture. That will help in climate change effects and save rural poor communities.
![Jati cyclone]()
Jati cyclone