Sport  Kenya Project #39118

Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers

by Tumaini Innovation Center Community Based Organization
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Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers
Acquire Games and Sports Field for 80 Teen Mothers

Project Report | Oct 6, 2021
Great Progress of the Girls Dorm Construction

By Samwel Kimani | Program Director

construction of the wall
construction of the wall

The construction is progressing well and has reached the walling stage. The next stage is roofing, followed by plastering and finally fittings. This is great progress thanks to your generosity. 


At Tumaini we are really excited by the progress and look forward to the completion of the dorm. Girls and mothers on the streets are really suffering especially now during the COVID19 pandemic.


A street mother keeps on asking Tumaini outreach workers when she will be allowed to come to Tumaini to train as a hairdresser, and the answer is always when the girls’ dorm is fully constructed.  


“I am coming with you to Tumaini”, she asks all the time.


Her life and that of her child on the cold rainy streets is unbearable-- she coughs a lot and has sought medical attention only to be turned away. She doesn’t know if she has COVID19 like the many older mothers on the streets who have been diagnosed with the virus. 


She’s not alone. Since the pandemic swept across Kenya, street families were the most affected. The virus is spreading quickly and the government has ordered strict curfew measures to control the further transmission of the virus. Lost and suffering in this process, are street families since they cannot uphold them by virtue of living on the streets. The public health intervention designed to protect the most vulnerable like street families from contracting COVID19 has instead led to untold suffering, negligence, violence, and abuse meted on the population. Street mothers and their children suffer most since they are harassed, beaten and chased off the streets by police after curfew hours. 


Together we can support street mothers and their children to abandon street life.

We seek your support to protect street mothers and their children from the current crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. With your support, we are constructing a dorm and a children’s daycare to house street mothers who are unable to comply with government instructions to self-isolate, quarantine, curfew, or access sanitary facilities during this crisis. Once housed they will undergo rehabilitation, vocational training, and job placement to support them abandon street life completely. 

Chip in what you can now -- 100% of the funds we raise will go help save the street mothers and their children's lives.


We have raised $44,003 USD.


We need an extra $30997USD to complete the dorm. 


We appeal for your support once more in order to serve girls at the center.

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Jun 10, 2021
Building a Dorm for Street Girls

By Samwel Kimani | Program Director

Feb 19, 2021
A New Dorm for Girls on the Streets

By Samwel Kimani | Program Director

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Project Leader:
Samwel Kimani
ELDORET , Uasin Gishu Kenya

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