In 2019 Todos worked to advance an agenda committed to the quality of Brazilian Education.
For Todos Pela Educação the year was a year of studies and detailing of proposals for educational policies, articulation with those who want to advance Basic Education, and technical support to the actors who took the lead in actions for the area - such as the National Congress and state representatives and municipalities. We focus efforts to advance Educação Já! (Education Now!), an agenda of effective solutions, anchored in robust analysis and studies that, at the same time, respond to the challenges we need to face in order for the country to guarantee quality basic education for all its children and young people - this means an education capable of forming for citizenship, democracy, social and economic development and one's life project.
Each one who supports our work, who mobilizes for quality education, has contributed to what we have achieved in 2019!
Thank you!
We had powerful encounters. This year, we promote and participate in powerful meetings and exchanges of knowledge, capable of impacting influencers and decision makers, spreading technical knowledge and creating opportunities for joint work to advance Public Education.
- We consolidate new spaces for dialogue with the creation of the Casa da Educação (Education House), headquarters of Todos Pela Educação in Brasília (DF). With the reinforcement of the team in the Federal Capital, we intensified the effort to make Education Já!’s measures concrete, presenting and debating this technical agenda with strategic audiences: the Ministry of Education’s (MEC) secretaries (although the portfolio is far from pointing out solutions that may actually address the problems of education), the Ministry of Economy, parliamentarians (especially the Mixed Parliamentary Front of Education, which we help to form and organize), representatives of state and municipal governments, advisory bodies such as the National Education Council (CNE), judiciary actors and third sector organizations.
- We held two major events, highlighting the centrality of quality education to advance Brazil's social and economic development: the “Education Now! Seminar”, earlier this year, which brought together members of the federal, state and municipal executive, as well as several sectors to discuss the seven priorities for Brazil to make a leap in Education; and, in partnership with Itaú BBA, we also organized the Debate “Education and the Competitiveness Agenda”, which featured relevant actors from the national economic scenario to discuss the importance of quality education for all, as a public policy, for Brazil to be a more competitive country.
- We expanded our presence in important debates, sending our spokespersons to events of various organizations, highlighting the unprecedented participation in TEDex-SP. In addition, as a result of the establishment of a team in Brasilia, we strengthened the agenda of Education urgencies in the Legislative debates in the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, attending 13 public hearings.
We produce knowledge. Such important encounters with so many people around the educational agenda were possible only because we set aside common senses and empty controversies and relied on evidence, diagnostics and science.
- In order to make Education Now! even more robust, deepening the public debate, earlier this year, Todos Pela Educação elaborated on each of the seven educational proposals and came up with 24 specific measures to support public policies.
- We identified the most deficient educational areas in the 2020 Annual Budget Bill (PLOA) - a technical work that resulted in the approval of amendments we suggested by the Education Committee of the National Congress, a fundamental step to recompose the Education budget, especially in a scenario of low tax revenues.
- We have conducted important studies, including a series focused on improving the proposal for a new Fundeb (Fund for Maintenance and Development of Basic Education) to ensure that the new mechanism is larger, equanimous and more efficient.
We map challenges, we monitor progress. In 2019, our team of experts focused on analysis and studies committed to technical expertise and commitment to developing proposals for achieving quality education with equity.
- We prepared a balance of the 100 days of the Bolsonaro’s administration in Education, in which we detected a paralysis of actions that little changed until the end of 2019;
- We publish the 8th edition of the Brazilian Yearbook of Basic Education, the only and most complete accompanying work on Brazilian Education prepared by civil society;
- We published two surveys (in July and December) on the perception of the Brazilian population about Brazilian Education on the topics: federal government, quality of education and teacher education;
- We also published a study about the initial formation of teachers, investigating in depth the participation of Distance Education (DE). The material had a great impact on the public debate, highlighting the high percentage of newcomers in Pedagogy and Bachelor Degree courses in this modality (64% in 2018). We also published an analysis of the National Curriculum Guidelines for Initial Teacher Education, an important document approved by the National Education Council (CNE) that could trigger a transformation in teachers' careers.
In 2019, once again, Todos used strategic communication, especially the tactical use of social networks and the press, to maintain a sense of urgency around educational themes, always based on evidence and seeking consensus. This year, we launched content to broaden the education debate on our channels - profiles on major social media and institutional websites - and in the press.
- We produced a video explaining the challenges and our proposal for the new Fundeb, the main source of funding for 4 out of 10 Brazilian municipalities, which helped with the training and advocacy work; We also started a campaign for Novo Fundeb, which continues to be debated.
- We launched the # SomosTodosPelaEducação campaign, a mobilization initiative that aims to bring together plural forces around the urgent agenda of education, showing that it is fundamental for everyone - the country, which is better with quality education, and every individual who benefits. to live in a more socially and economically developed society.
- In the formation of public opinion, based on the production of studies, we held two in-depth journalist training meetings on education funding and educational data; We also reinforced our presence and voice in the media as an authoritative technical reference when it comes to educational policies - we have ruled numerous editorials from leading Brazilian newspapers and opinion makers, and deepened the debate in hundreds of reports.
So much done, but so much more to do!
Let 2020 come!
All Together We Go Far
Todos Juntos Vamos Longe