Following the presentation of the IOM Strategic Vision 2019-2023 to Member States in November 2019, IOM launched its Continental Strategy for Africa 2020-2024 in November 2020 and subsequently its WCA Regional Strategy 2020-2024 in December 2020. These documents reect the Organization’s determination and vision on developing long term solutions, in order to eectively address complex challenges and seize the many opportunities migration oers to both migrants and society. It responds to new and emerging responsibilities – including membership in the UN and coordination of the UN Network on Migration – as we enter the Decade of Action to achieve the SDGs.
IOM Ghana, as articulated in this Strategy (2022-2025), aims as a priority focus to reinforce the positive impacts of human mobility to social development in Ghana by improving access to safe, orderly and regular migration founded on evidence-based policies and rights-based practices whilst addressing the various adverse drivers of irregular and forced migration.
Strategic Objective 1 Build the resilience of migrants and their communities of origin
Improve infrastructure at the network of existing border posts, through the construction of purpose-built border posts and provision of equipment, including communications equipment and the application of information technology. Increase dialogue between community members, local authorities and BMAs in order to establish a proactive relationship between authorities and border communities, as well as between cross-border communities, in which security issues are identied and ownership of regional challenges is built through enhanced trust. Reinforce capacity of relevant institutions on evidence gathering, investigation, prosecution, strengthening of data analysis and intelligence gathering. Increase coordination and information sharing amongst stakeholders to combat transnational organized crime, including SoM, TiP and travel document fraud. Strengthen institutional frameworks and operational guidance to respond to border-related emergencies, including public health emergencies of international concern and cross-border humanitarian crises, through the usage of established IOM frameworks on Humanitarian Border Management and Health, Border and Mobility Management. Facilitate the implementation of the Integrated Border Management concept encompassing national and international coordination and cooperation among all relevant authorities involved in border management to establish efective, efcient and coordinated border management. Integrated Border Management will promote information sharing, especially for intelligence gathering and exchange around transnational organized crime, joint capacity building initiatives, enhancement of physical and communication networking infrastructures, joint responses to cross-border humanitarian crises, common border community engagement approaches, amongst others. Enhance capacity to process and analyze migration data, as well as management of traveler identities, through creating a network of border management information systems (BMIS) which digitize data collection and passenger processing at land borders. Additionally, the collected data will contribute towards gaining a complete understanding of the country’s migration dynamics and mobility patterns, and serve as a basis for the development of well-founded and evidence-based migration policies
Strategic Objective 2 Strengthen existing migration management systems so that they are more protection sensitive to mobility-induced vulnerabilities
Increase capacity of law enforcement, social workers and other stakeholders, on mainstreaming MPA in government initiatives/ national structures/ mechanisms. Enhance knowledge on child protection processes and provision of specialized child protection services, specifically with regards to the implementation of the SoPs. Enhance application of the TiPIS and the referral mechanism for VoTs beyond the capital to be able to address concerns around data collection and access to services at the regional and district levels. Increase availability of services for VoTs, including shelter, medical care, needs assessments, psychosocial care, education and skills training, legal assistance, amongst others. Strengthen awareness raising and sensitization of the national population and all levels of government on emerging trends, identification and reporting of TiP. Enhance operationalization of existing laws, policies and action plans on human trafficking by bringing the victim-centred approach in the prevention, protection, prosecution and partnership process. Pre-assessment for rescue on Volta Lake Pre-assessment for rescue on Volta Lake. Increase advocacy on the implementation of the Labour Domestic Workers Regulation (LI 2408) and efforts to continue to consolidate laws and policies protecting minors from hazardous work. Strengthen cross-border cooperation on emerging case trends in human trafficking, specifically with regards to protection mechanisms at the borders and training of BMAs and consular officials.
Strategic Objective 3 Reinforce the policy and legal framework for migration governance
Increase opportunities for return migrants in terms of livelihood, medical care and psychosocial care options through the establishment of referral networks.
Increase advocacy for the inclusion of tailor-made socio-economic development interventions targeting communities of high out-migration in national development policies.
Strengthen capacity amongst national stakeholders to implement a holistic approach towards reintegration, including with regards to community-based reintegration and reintegration case management.
Improve sustainable reintegration structures while addressing adverse drivers of (re)migration, through advocacy and sensitization eorts to promote informed migration decisions.
Strengthen dialogue, cooperation and partnerships between the GoG and key destination countries on the return and reintegration of migrants.
Enhance eorts to address SoM in line with international law, through the development and implementation of relevant policy and legal instruments on curbing irregular migration, TiP and SoM, and improving data collection and research on smuggling trends.