This micro project will buy water purifiers to 10 Primary schools in Uganda.The clean water crisis is the number 1 global risk based on impact to society (as a measure of devastation), and the number 8 global risk based on likelihood (likelihood of occurring within 10 years) as announced by the World Economic Forum, January 2015.Majority of primary schools in rural areas in Uganda do not have safe water for children to drink.
Majority of pupils have contracted typhoid and other related illnesses due to drinking of contaminated water at school,these schools fetch water from un protected water sources,children drink it directly without boiling and there are no mechanisms of putting up safe, clean and protected water in those schools, majority of children fall sick as a result of this and miss school several times in a semester causing poor performance in rural schools.
This micro project will purchase water purifiers for 10 schools, each school has a population of up to around 400 pupils.Each school will receive 02 water filters to enable them drink safe and clean purified water. Water filters provide safe and better tasting and better smelling drinking water by removing chlorine and bacterial contaminants.
The use of a water filter filter results in a source of clean, healthy water that costs much less than bottled water. Its more cheaper to use it as compared to boiling water that costs a lot of fuel and charcoal.