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Afghan Institute of Learning

Org #372
Vetted since 2013 Top Ranked Project of the Month
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


The Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL) works to empower all Afghans who are needy, especially women and children, providing them the knowledge and skills to care for themselves. AIL is expanding access to quality education and healthcare through community based programming, enabling communities to develop the capacity of their people. The goal is to create a foundation of quality education and health systems throughout Afghanistan which meet the needs of local people now and in the future. AIL was founded by an Afghan woman and is run mainly by women, reaching thousands each year through health facilities, educational centers and training programs.

Project Leaders
Sakena Yacoobi
Sakena Yacoobi
Shehab Yacoobi
Shehab Yacoobi
Sakena L Yacoobi, Jamila M. Akbar, Alokozai, Avest M. Hassan, Homan, Sayed Hassan Shah Sayed Osman, Osmani, Elham Abdul Aziz, Jami, Shokofa Ghulam Husain,Yazdani, Ehsan Ahmad Ghulam Faroq,Sahel, Wali Shah Abdul Wahed,Bahra, Ali Akbar M. Zaher, Zarin, M. Dawood Sadeq Ali, Afshar
Organization Information
Afghan Institute of Learning
c/o CHI, PO Box 1058
Dearborn, Michigan 48121
United States
(313) 278-5806
Organization Information
Afghan Institute of Learning
c/o CHI, PO Box 1058
Dearborn, Michigan 48121
United States
(313) 278-5806

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Future of Afghan Girls

By Shehab Yacoobi | Program Administrative

  During this past year, things have changed quite unexpectedly for the country of Afghanistan, as new challeneges engulf the entire country. The people are poor, a new government has been... Read the full report ›

Afghan Women Virtual Learning

By Shehab Yacoobi | Program Administrative

  The future of women recieving an education in Afghanistan is an enigma, as the new governemnt prohibits girls above grade seven to University from going to school in person, which as an... Read the full report ›

The Importance of Education

By Shehab Yacoobi | Program Administrative

   As the only standing NGO left in Afghanistan, the Afghan Institute of Learning's main priority was to help young girls and women have an eduation that will help them build their future.... Read the full report ›
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