A better future for 50 youth from Tucuman Agroecological Gardens in Schools in Argentina Help Rural Communities in their access to food A kindergarden in Santa Fe

Asociacion Cultural para el Desarrollo Integral, A.C.D.I.

Org #28418
Vetted since 2015 Top Ranked Effective Nonprofit Site Visit Verified
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Its mission is to promote the dignity of the person through development activities, with special attention to education. ACDI recognizes the uniqueness of each person, who cannot be reduced to a number within an anonymous category such as "the poor, the sick, the disabled". Furthermore, every person and every community represents a resource, regardless of their vulnerability. This is why ACDI works to help people becoming awared of their own value and dignity.

Project Leaders
Luciana Palacio
Luciana Palacio
Loreley Dure
Loreley Dure
Mauricio N Moresco
Organization Information
Rivadavia 2681
Santa Fe, 3000
Organization Information
Rivadavia 2681
Santa Fe, 3000

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:


By Luciana Palacio | Project Leader

Adriel is 14 years old, lives in Santa Fe, and his story inspires us. His passion for adapted basketball began when he was 9 years old. He started at a club in Santa Fe, where he developed his skills... Read the full report ›

Food Security in Rural Schools

By Luciana Palacio | Project Leader

We strive to make schools a gathering place for families, where they can interact and acquire knowledge that enhances their quality of life by improving access to safe food. To achieve this, we... Read the full report ›

Gladys: A Woman Who Keeps Learning

By Luciana Palacio | Project Leader

Gladys is 62 years old, a housewife, and a widow with 8 children. She lives in the rural settlement of Puesto Los Pérez, in the southern part of Tucumán Province, Argentina. She used to... Read the full report ›
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